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无谓的独幕剧中,你在寻找什么。What an earth you are looking for.

她打算写一个独幕剧。She talked of writing a one-act play.

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无谓的独幕剧中,你在寻找什么。Among the nonsense tragedies, what you are looking for.

剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one-act play.

他写了几部独幕剧,但只写了一部正常长度的长剧。He has written several one-act plays, but only one full-length play.

从这个角度来说,单折戏即可以被看作近代意义上的独幕剧。So, this kind of play can be seen as the one-act play in the modern sense.

我写了这出轻快活泼的小独幕剧纯粹是为了试一哈我的新碎纸机。I wrote this sprightly little one-acter only to test out my new paper shredder.

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我一向爱看独幕剧,因为可以一气呵成地看一个情节连贯的故事。I've always enjoyed one act plays because it allows the storyline to go straight through.

以下为根据亚伯拉罕•林肯生平中的一件事改编的独幕剧。The following is a one-act play based on an incident in the life of Abraham Lincoln. The incident may or may not be true.

在戏剧形式上融会了中外戏剧的特点,建构了“五四”时期话剧独幕剧的基本形式。It combines in forms the traits of Chinese and foreign plays, and constructs the basic form of the one-act play of the modem drama in the period of May 4th Movement.