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他匆匆记下了那些注解。He dotted down those notes.

但是注解方法会更好吗?But is the annotation approach better?

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每一页的页边上都加了评论并注解。Every page was margined with comments.

Spring支持JSR-250注解Spring support for JSR-250 annotations

读现代诗歌需要很多的注解。Modern poetry is in need of annotation.

现在通过注解来处理回调功能。Callbacks are now handled through annotations.

罗伯特·布茨的注解描述了简的恍惚状态。Robert Butts notes describe Janes trance state.

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而且,要避免特定实现的注解。Also, avoid implementation-specific annotations.

主调用的方法必须有一个返回类型的注解。The calling method needs a return type annotation.

收集引用他人的注解是后来想到的。The collection of quotations was an after-thought.

以下情由可以说明注解我的主张。The following reasons can work cause of my opinion.

如果你想要解释自己的注解该怎么办呢?What if you want to interpret your own annotations?

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第一个工作空间是注解的集合。The first workspace is for collections of annotations.

来一段洋话注解,别奇怪,这本书上抄的,有错误与本人无关。Don't strange, the book is wrong with the meter, and I.

他们会关注你的注解和讨人喜欢的幻灯片。They will read through the notes and your fancy slides.

生物技术咨询注解,对档案BNF第00077号。Biotechnology Consultation Note to the File BNF No 00077.

注解可以被加到线框图的大多数组件。Annotations can be added to most widgets on the wireframe.

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我注意到在我的说明空白处写着一些注解。I noticed that there were comments in the margins of my spec.

相似的,我们有艺术家和流派对专辑的注解。Similarly we have artist and genre annotation for the albums.

注解,我根本看不懂这些白文。Without notes, I can hardly understand ancient Chinese prose.