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红色的一角。A red corner.

红色男爵比萨?Red Baron pizza?

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它的颜色是红色。Its color is red.

我有一个红色的鸡冠。I have a red comb.

植被是红色。Vegetation is red.

红色斑疹。A red blotchy rash.

他的新车是红色的。His new car is red.

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我想要一个红色的鸭舌帽。I'd like a red cap.

把这个门漆成红色。Paint the door red.

避免红色和黑色。Avoid red and black.

唐老鸦的小汽车是红色的。Donald's car is red.

它是一把红色的椅子。It's a red chair. C.

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然后,像块红色的绒布。Then that red plush.

我喜欢这支红色的记号笔。I ike the red marker.

这支圆珠笔是红色的。This ball-pen is red.

你穿红色很好看。You look good in red.

我也喜欢你穿红色的衣服!I like red on you too!

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我要穿红色紧身衣!Dibs on the red tights!

红色逐渐趋于橙色。Red grades into orange.

红色的黄晶那就更加稀有了。A red topaz is a rarity.