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天才宝宝胎教仪和照片及网上的描述完全一样。The Ritmo is exactly as described and pictured.

现在音乐胎教正日益为人们所接受。Music prenatal education is now increasingly accepted.

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我就是从四个月开始进行胎教的。Is how I would begin four months of prenatal education.

现已有专门的胎教音乐录音磁带上市。Prenatal education has been a dedicated music recording tape listed.

胎儿已具备听力,能听见声音,可开始进行胎教了。Fetus already have hearing now and you can begin a prenatal education.

只有适合母亲和胎儿的音乐才可以称为胎教音乐。Only the music for mother and fetus can only be called prenatal music.

另外,智商高分组中胎教儿童占绝大多数。In addition, the high IQ group in the majority of children prenatal care.

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了解胎教音乐刺激对婴幼儿发育商的影响。To explore the effect of foetus education musical stimulate on infant development quotient.

这说明科学家有理由相信胎教对语言的学习有帮助。This all leads scientists to believe that the process of learning language may begin before birth.

我使用天才宝宝胎教仪约两个月,我非常喜欢它,它用起来很容易特别有时候在外面工作也可以使用。I have been using the Ritmo for about two months and love it. It is easy to use and awesome for working out.

他说在一些案例中,做胎教视频公司根本就没测试过他们的产品。"In many cases, the corporations making the educational videos are not even testing their own products, " he says.

我很高兴知道,天才宝宝胎教仪智能音效技术不会伤害宝宝的耳朵。Even though there is limited risk at injuring the baby, it is nice to know I can't do harm with the Ritmo Smart-Sound technology.

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最后提出,中国古代胎教学说对于当今的优生优育工作具有可借鉴的价值。It suggests that ancient Chinese prenatal training theory is of great value for pregnant women and the mental development of babies.

在我国有关科研人员从1985年起进行了音乐胎教婴幼儿听觉脑干诱发电位检测情况的观察分析。For researchers in China since 1985 were from the prenatal infant's auditory brainstem evoked potential to observe and analyze the situation.

胎教音乐能使孕妇改善不良情绪,产生美好的心境,并把这种信息传递给胎儿。Pregnant women, prenatal care can improve bad mood music, resulting in a better state of mind, and to communicate such information to the fetus.

好的胎教音乐对于促进孕妇和胎儿的身心健康影响颇深,这常常是通过心理作用和生理作用来实现的。Music for the promotion of good prenatal maternal and fetal well-being of deep, often through psychological and physiological effects to achieve.

突出强调了“音乐胎教”和早期音乐教育的审美意义、育人功能和政治意义。He emphasized the taste meaning of "embryo music education" and early stage music education, and its cultivating function and political significance.

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而且尽管有蓬勃发展的胎教、早教DVD、学习辅助玩具和提高班,天才的数量并没有增长。And despite the boom in infant-stimulation techniques, educational DVDs, learning toys, and enrichment classes, those numbers haven't been increasing.

因此,父母喜欢给初生的婴儿观看录像和闪卡,或把磁带贴在孕妇的肚子上对孩子进行“胎教”。Hence the fad for "teaching aids" such as videos and flashcards for newborns, and "whale sounds" on tape which a pregnant mother can strap to her belly.

旧胎教提倡吃得好,保持情绪平衡,最大限度地接触像艺术这样的“高文化”,并维持一个和平的环境。Old fetal education advocated eating well, keeping an emotional balance, maximizing exposure to "high culture" such as art, and maintaining a peaceful environment.