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今日上嘎班会课。我觉得好有感触。!Believes me I can be good !

卫明有不同的感触感染。Wei Ming feels differently.

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这种感触似乎是自然的。This feeling seems to be natural.

我感触到一片树叶的完美的对称性。I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.

你能够经过配音感触感染得淋漓精美!You're simple exhausted by doing voice-overs!

孙玉姝看到报道也很有感触。SunYuShu is also have reported seeing feeling.

是什么让我们有此感触?What was it that always made me feel that way?

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凭感触分辨软与硬。By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft.

别这么含含混糊的,告诉我们你的实在感触吧。Don't be so wishy-washy. Tell us how you really feel.

我们可以取消债务,但是我们如何能取消一种感触或情感呢?We can cancel a debt, but how do we cancel a feeling?

医生的话让他感触很惬心。The doctor's words madvertisinge him feel comfortable.

这种飞腾型星座给身边的暖和、激昂大方和有趣的感触。This Ascendant is warm, generous and fun to be around.

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让我感触最深的是,大家都说着同一件事情。What stood out to me was everyone said the same thing.

但是让她感触颇深的是男人的行为。But what really gets to Ben Ezra is the behaviour of men.

医生的话让他感触很适意。The doctor's words mcl poste him feel comfortabdominisle.

感触最深的是诸葛亮的空城计。The most interesting episode is the Empty-town Plan of Mr.

这篇文章写迟了。我对我全部的朋侪感触抱歉。This passage is late. Sorry for everyone who is my friends.

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这篇文章使我感触良多,使我明白了很多道理。This article makes me a myriad of, make me understand a lot.

每一位女客户都发现她们有着同样的感触。Each of these women found something that resonated with them.

风儿轻轻地吹着,感触凉凉的,很恬逸的哪一种。Wind blowing gently, feeling cool, which is very comfortable.