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公用之马,掌子最差。The common horse is worst shod.

他的两位室友公用一张双层床。His two room mates share a bunk bed.

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英国公用可视数据服务系统。The British public viewdata service.

她决不用公用坐式抽水马桶。She would never sit on public toilets.

简单起见,将字段定为公用的。For brevity, we make the fields public.

同时受公用契约规限的范围。Area also subject to Deed of Dedication.

是婚丧喜庆的公用场所。Is events like weddings or public place.

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未找到组态公用程式选项影像。Configuration Utility Options Image not found.

因此,打开此公用站点,显示出您的修改信息。Then, open the public site to display your changes.

不要在公用餐厅里用微波炉加热重口味的食物。Don't microwave stinky foods in the shared lunchroom.

这些映射也包含一些公用模式。These mappings contain some common patterns, as well.

中间是祖堂,是婚丧喜庆的公用场所。Tongs in the middle is the common places of weddings.

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您必须有系统管理员权限才能执行此公用程式。You must have Administrator rights to run this utility.

但要是您和家人或朋友公用电脑呢?But what if you share a computer with family or friends?

你不能掠夺大家共同使用的公用土地。You can't take land that everybody is sharing in common.

他说,“我们在建造一个全球信息公用设施”。“We’re building a global information utility, ” he says.

远离高楼、街灯和公用电线。Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.

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他说他们会通过公用通讯系统与他联系。He said they would page him over the public-address system.

可以存在有公用EMON计数器和私用EMON计数器。There may be public EMON counters and private EMON counters.

这个公用程式是专为自己的个人白纸板。This utility is designed to be your own personal White Board.