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他们前一天平素在等你。They were expecting you yesterday.

我平素没读过比这更令人激动的故事。Iwoulve never read a more stirring story.

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我平素没读过比这更令人鼓吹的故事。Iive never read a far more stirring story.

这家店平素是早上9点开门吗?Does the shop open at 9 iwoulm on weekdays?

你要是平素诳骗我,我怎样能自信你呢?How can I trust you if you keep lying to me?

烤牛肉与平素无味的饭菜比起来实在是一种让人欣喜的变化。Roast beef is a welcome change from the usual tasteless food.

杨大海以平素罕有气魄和气势给老婆同时也给自己鼓气。Yang Dahai had rare verve and style to the wife also gave his drum.

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在我们的市场上,这种玩具的需求平素很稳定。There has been a stable demas well like in our market for this kind of toy.

我父亲一反平素谨慎的态度,把所有的钱押在一个疯狂的计划上。Tossing aside all his usual care, my father risked all his money on a wild pain.

“狗日的!狗官!”平素不骂人的杨大海给李润泽打电话是愤愤地骂道。Damn it. The dog official! " Never swear to Lee and Yang Dahai call angrily scolded."

略小的鞋子却分明是林媚平素爱穿的绣花鞋。Slightly small shoes but clear is Lin Mei usually the love wear of embroidering and spending shoe.

两位老先生都是真儒学,都是我平素钦仰的,难道还有什么假的吗?Two old gentlemen are Zhen Ruxue, be my usually revere, those who what holiday there is to return?

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多亏了有了量子力学的帮助,人类才意识到极小王国看起来与我们平素的世界毫无相像之处。Thanks to quantum mechanics, the realm of the extremely small looks nothing like our everyday world.

您好!有无痰,若有痰,是什么颜色,浓淡?咽部痒否?都做过哪些检查?平素怕冷否?Hello! If there is any sputum, sputum, is what color, shade? Pharyngeal itching? Do what? Usually afraid of cold?

确保将光彩的彩平素往上涂至眉毛和眼角处,从而将大开眼眸的妆效施展到极致!Make sure that you also always lift the bright shade upwards toward the eyebrow to open the eyes even at the corner.

其优良的品德和尖刻的生产要求,被当做国宝平素被英国上层人物所青睐,看看早泄可以治愈吗。The fine quality and rigid requirements for production are highly treasured by upper-classes of the British society.

于是她们都赐身与平素最微妙、最亲密在一起讨论的男子了。So they had given the gift of themselves, each to the youth with whom she had the most subtle and intimate arguments.

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可是,在火力下运动,既是平素训练中最难教授之课题,更是战斗中最难执行之命令。But the hardest lesson to teach in training, the most difficult rule to follow in combat, is to keep moving when fire on.

现年38岁的Kouri称自己是个平素节俭的人,但面对这样一个低至谷底的利率,他表示对债务毫无压力。Kouri admits to being a frugal guy, but at such rock-bottom rates, he's perfectly comfortable with the manageable debt load.

因此如果平素月经规律,要确定怀孕建议在明显停经7天以上检测。Therefore if usually the menstruation rule, needed to determine that is pregnant the suggestion to examine above the obvious menopause 7 days.