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这场致命事故现在已经成为了核能利用的经典反面教材。The fatal events are now part of nuclear lore.

伤仲永就是一个很著名的经典反面教材。Zhong Yong is the famous classic negative example.

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对于大多数家长来说,吴萌的故事仅仅是崇拜偶像中一个反面教材。To many parents, Wu's story is just another bad example of the dangers of idol worship.

这是一位作家说的,他八年级的作文曾大声地被当做反面教材读出来。Take it from a writer whose eighth-grade paper was read aloud as an example of how NOT to write.

歌手乔治·迈克尔近日表示,他让少年同志感到失望了,因为他成了他们的反面教材。The singer George Michael has said he feels he's let down young gay kids by being a bad role-model.

在谈论镜像生命无可比拟的优势时,丘奇将这种不幸事故当作反面教材拎了出来。When Church talks about mirror life’s quirky advantages, invulnerability to this kind of mishap is high on his list.

事实上,中央集权,威权主义国家会对革命性科技的发展造成妨碍,在这一点上,中国恰是一个反面教材。In fact, China is an object lesson in the threat that centralized, authoritarian states pose to revolutionary technological development.

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在浪费了如此多的在校时间后,社会最终让他们中的一部分作为反面教材被淘汰。After wasting so much of their time at school, society finally lets them waste some of it themselves as part of learning how to make good use of it.

雀巢是一个很典型的反面教材,绿色和平组织占领了雀巢的Facebook页面,他们抗议雀巢使用从濒危森林生产的橄榄油。Most extreme example of this is the take over of the Nestlé’s Facebook page by Greenpeace in protest of Nestlé’s use of palm oil from endangered forest areas.

在新的历史时期,党内极少数领导干部经受不住考验,堕落成罪犯,李真就是其中一个典型的反面教材。In new historical period, there are very few leading cadre could not undergo the tests, they became criminals, in which Li is a typical teaching material of reverse side.

每一次经济危机都是经济从业人员的最好的反面教材,这次次贷危机也不例外,尤其是对于有志于从事银行研究的金融从业人员。With the American economic shocks, my graduate life has been drawing to end. Each financial crisis is the best negative example for every financial practitioners, especially this one.

希腊被作为反面教材以警醒世人,而美国国债收益率的每一个小幅上扬都被解读成市场因美国政府的大量财赤而报复美国。Greece is held up as a cautionary tale, and every uptick in the interest rate on U. S. government bonds is treated as an indication that markets are turning on America over its deficits.