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社会领域是最不可捉摸的。Society is the most elusive of the area.

在女人看来,典型的男人是不可知,不可捉摸的。To a woman, the quintessential male is unknowable, elusive.

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灵感是不可捉摸的,这是一个最大谎言。One of the biggest myths about inspiration that it’s random.

这儿,金发变成了铁石心肠和不可捉摸的智慧的代名词。Here, blonde morphs into steely resolve and impenetrable intellect.

尼克松由于擅长掌握不可捉摸的事物,完全明白怎样讲才恰到好处。Nixon with his mastery of intangibles knew how to strike the right note.

随着克鲁格在债务和骗局中越陷越深,他的个性变得愈发不可捉摸。As Kreuger slipped deeper into debt and deceit, his personality became impenetrable.

他说,"领导人的个性总是不可捉摸,在俄罗斯如此,在美国也是一样。Personalities of a leader are always an enigma, not just in Russia but also in the US.

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令人叹息的是,她的支持者们仍然可以将她的死亡归罪于同样不可捉摸的军事精英。Alas, her supporters are now likely to blame her killing on the same shadowy army elite.

而长达300年的不可捉摸的天气恰与罗马帝国的衰亡相伴。And a 300-year spell of unpredictable weather coincided with the decline of the Roman Empire.

“牢不可破的誓言?”斯内普脸上的表情变得不可捉摸了,贝拉特里克斯发出一串得意的笑声。Snape's expression was blank, unreadable. Bellatrix, however, let out a cackle of triumphant laughter.

在地缘政治方面,尽管未来同样不可捉摸,但一些关键性的趋势却是能够分析出来的。In geopolitical forecasting too, while the future may be fundamentally unpredictable, key trends can be analyzed.

我每天生命的最真实收获,也仿佛朝霞暮霭那样地不可捉摸,不可言传。The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening.

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如果你感到自己的梦想不可捉摸、难以达到,专注于你为什么要开展这项事业很关键。If you are feeling that your dream is elusive and unattainable, it’s vital to focus on why you created your business.

反叛就是要破除已有的模式,做自己喜爱的事情,自我表述,神秘不可捉摸。Rebels sought to break the mold, to do something that was exclusively “theirs, ” to be weird by way of self-expression.

他的课看起来很有计划和条理,但他实际上是一个你很难想象的不可捉摸的老师。His class had a very methodical and systematic foundation, but he himself was someone that couldn't be predicted at all.

赋有深刻眼光的人可以从一道线条多少弯,一只笑窝多少深,一块隆起的高低里猜出不可捉摸的色彩。With profound vision the people from a number of lines can be bent, a dimple how deep, a bump height in guess subtle color.

反光效果为交相辉映的色彩制造镜像或模糊效果,更使雨中摄像显得美轮美奂,不可捉摸。Reflections can occasionally produce mirrors or blurs of dancing colors, making the photography in rain beautiful and unpredictable.

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在这里,在色彩的斑点、线条、色调、中间色、不可捉摸的形象的混沌中诞生了“光”。这就是奇妙无比的“光”!Where from a chaos of color spills, lines, tones and half-tints, imperceptible images there comes "Light" and that is deific "Light"!

因此,每一个商品不管你怎样颠来倒去,它作为价值物总是不可捉摸的。Turn and examine a single commodity, by itself, as we will, yet in so far as it remains an object of value, it seems impossible to grasp it.

她的眼睛很奇怪的向外突出,看上去充满了野性,不可捉摸,哈格尼发出的啸叫似乎可以轻易穿透人的耳膜。Her eyes bulged strangely, savage and unreadable, and Hagane let out the birring hunting sound that seemed to go right through one's eardrums.