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这位候选人的政敌猛烈抨击他。His political opponents broadsided the candidate.

他兴致勃勃地揭发政敌的贪污腐化。He muckraked his political rivals with great relish.

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他的政敌们对他进行了包藏祸心的攻击。His political opponents made a calculated attack on him.

这正是回击你的政敌的好机会。This is a good chance to strike back your political opponent.

在利比亚之外,卡扎菲被所有的政敌铭记在心。Outside of Libya, Gaddafi will be remembered for his enmities.

他被他的政敌赶下了台。He was driven from a position of power by his political enemies.

后秦收留反对刘裕的政敌,企图干涉东晋事务给刘裕以借口。Hou-Qin also attempted to interfere Liu by protecting his enemies.

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这个政治家想把一些不当的言论转嫁到他的政敌身上。The politician tried to impute some unfortunate remarks to his enemy.

还有其他的猜测是盗贼、偶然事故或者政敌谋杀。Others assert that thieves, opportunists, or political opponents murdered him.

奥巴马之前就因体格问题遭到政敌们的嘲笑。Mr Obama has been teased by political opponents in the past about his physique.

奥巴马之前就因体格问题遭到政敌们的嘲笑。Mr Obama has been teased by political opponents in the past about his physique.

许多人被他们的政敌迫害致死。A lot of them were persecuted and tortured to death by their political opponents.

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作为元首的政敌,他是第一批遭到逮捕的人之一。But although he was among the first to confront Hitler, Litten remains a little-known figure.

而在他活动于其中的这个革命鼓吹者的小圈子里,他的政敌反而要多于他的朋友。In the circles of revolutionary agitators in which he moved he had more enemies than friends.

第三,候选人能够搞清楚外敌和政敌的区别吗?Third, can the candidate tell the difference between a foreign enemy and a political opponent?

琼斯先生有今天的地位,是因为惯用很强硬的手段对付政敌。Mr. Jones got where he is today because he always haved a strong arm for political adversaries.

该政党向其政敌提出挑战,上电视去辩论这一问题。The Party has flung down a challenge to its political rivals to debate the issue on television.

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丝毫不令人惊奇的是,这项法案被亚当斯用来对付来自共和党的政敌。Not surprisingly, the law was applied against Adams's political opponents from the Republican Party.

他万不能被政敌扰乱之计而分心,相反的要倾全力履行本身的责任。Najib should not be distracted by his political enemy but be focused to discharge his responsibility.

相反,他认为应当对此负责的是他的政敌,以及所谓的军队的“不可控因素”。Instead, he blames his political opponents and what he calls "uncontrollable elements" of the military.