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她要了一份冰镇橘汁。She ask for an orange sorbed.

蔓越橘和鲜橙汁调配的鸡尾酒,凉杯装冰镇自来水加柠檬。Cranberry and fresh orange cocktail

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一杯冰镇啤酒的绝妙滋味。The taste of an ice-cold Hefeweizen.

把威士忌酒放在冰盒里冰镇。Put the whisky in the ice box to chill.

喝那加了茴香的水,冰镇果汁。Drink water scented with fennel , sherbet.

乐高配上本市的冰镇饮料!For the coolest drinks in town, think Lego!

他让侍者为他冰镇一下芠?。He asked the waiter to ice the beer for him.

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好的,一份冰镇果羹,一份拔丝苹果。Good, an iced fruit jelly and a caramelized apple.

麻烦给我来两瓶冰镇啤酒。I'd like 2 bottles of beer chilled with ice, please.

麻烦给我来两瓶冰镇啤酒。I'd like two bottles of beer chilled with ice, please.

甚至一冰镇茶饮料可以帮助在排毒身体。Even an iced tea drink can help in detoxifying the body.

跑步之后喝冰镇巧克力牛奶相当地提神。Cold chocolate milk tastes pretty refreshing after a run.

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睡觉前喝被冰镇凉茶会让你有个好觉。A calming tea before bedtime can ensure a good night's sleep.

老规矩,来一瓶冰镇青岛啤酒。I stick to my usual, one bottle of well-chilled Tsingtao beer.

她停下来呷了一口塑料杯里浮满泡沫的冰镇咖啡。She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler.

用尽最后一丁点儿的果汁,冰镇在冰格里。Use up that last bit of juice by freezing it in ice-cube trays.

没有什么比在大热天的晚上吃冰镇的西瓜更让我惬意了。I like nothing better than a frappe watermelon on a hot evening.

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年轻人即使在寒冬腊月也偏爱冰镇麦茶。Young people, even in deepest winter wheat also prefer iced tea.

在德国人的手中,冰镇薄荷酒不仅仅是酒精、糖、冰块和薄荷。In German hands, Juleps weren't just spirits, sugar, ice and mint.

一杯12盎司的冰镇果酒饮料含有190卡路里和22克碳水化合物。A 12-ounce wine cooler can have 190 calories and 22 grams of carbs.