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他是水彩画家。He is a painter in watercolors.

这是一幅水彩画吗?Is it a picture of watercolour?

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好一幅清新水彩画。Good a pure and fresh aquarelle.

就象一幅水彩画的构成。It's like a watercolour forming.

他水彩画画得很好。He paints nicely in water-colours.

他注视着一张水彩画。He paints nicely in water-colours.

这些都是水彩画。These pictures were in water-colours.

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我喜欢水彩画的简单朴实。I enjoy the simplicity of watercolour.

夏天的美景尽在此款“水彩画”中。A summer landscape captured in watercolours.

她周末尝试了画水彩画。She dabbles with watercolors on the weekend.

小姑娘的水彩画画得很好。The little girl paints nicely in watercolours.

我一直惊叹于美丽的水彩画。I am always amazed at the beauty of watercolor.

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他的水彩画里水分太多了!His paint in watercolour contains too much water!

她既喜欢画油画,又喜欢画水彩画。She likes to paint in both oils and watercolours.

酞颜色通常用在水彩画。Phthalo colors are often used in watercolor painting.

水彩画似乎能使室内气氛和谐。Watercolors just seem to soften atmosphere in a room.

应该是全身水彩画像,就像奈特里先生的那幅一样。It was to be a whole-length in water-colours, like mr.

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我认为最漂亮的流鼻血都是在水彩画。I think the prettiest nosebleeds are done in watercolor.

水彩画似乎能使市内气氛和谐。Watercolors just seem to soften the atmosphere in a room.

主要擅长工笔画和水彩画。She is an expert in watercolor and fine brushwork paintings.