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追偿是一项涉及面广,具有一定法律性的涉外工作。Recovery covers a wide range with foreign-related legal work.

本法不削弱任何基于现行法的追偿权。This Act does not impair any right of indemnity under existing law.

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行政追偿是基于国家赔偿而产生的一项法律制度。Administrative recoupment is a legal system based on state compensation.

本条规定不影响船舶所有人对其他被救助方的追偿权。The reward shall not exceed the value of the ship and other property salved.

行政追偿权是具有惩戒性质的公权力。Obviously, administrative recoupment power itself is a public power with punishment.

总之,想要成功的完成海上保险追偿的工作,涉及到海商法中的各种问题。In all, it related to various issues in maritime law in orer to make the recovery successfully.

提供担保的第三人承担担保责任后,有权向债务人追偿。After the third party has borne the suretyship, he shall have the right of recourse against the debtor.

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我国的行政追偿制度是在国家责任说这一理论的基础上确立的。In China, administrative recoupment system was established on the basis of the theory of state liability.

公务员承担行政追偿责任的性质不明确是这种理论不足的集中反映。However, we may see the theoretical flaw in this system, which is reflected on the duty of public servant.

安全保障义务人承担责任后,可以向第三人追偿。The obligor for security guaranty may, after bearing the liabilities, claim compensation from the third person.

属于委托人责任的,拍卖人有权向委托人追偿。Should the responsibility rest with the trustee, the auctioneer has the right to demand compensation from the trustee.

共同保证人之间、物上保证人之间应当对债务进行相应的分担并享有追偿权与代位权。The debt should be contributed in co-suretyships or securities, then they have the right of indemnity and subrogation.

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因此,我国法律应当明确区分并分别规定保证人的代位权与追偿权。The authors think that Chinese law should realizingly distinguish the right of subrogation from the right of indemnity.

本条规定不影响船舶所有人对其他被救助方的追偿权。Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of recourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved.

但是国家承担的是一种补充责任,在其做出补偿后即取得向权益侵害人追偿的权利。What nation undertakes is to add a responsibility, which means the state can make track for indemnification from trespasser.

产品的生产者或销售者在向受害人赔偿之后,可以向有责任的生产者或销售者追偿。Product producer or seller in to the victims compensation after, can have the responsibility to the producer or seller recovery.

公证机构赔偿后,可以向有故意或者重大过失的公证员追偿。After the notarial office makes a compensation, it may demand the notary with intentional or serious mistake to make a repayment.

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出租人在参加承租人破产清偿后,其债权未能全部受偿的,可就不足部分向保证人追偿。Article 19 If the credit of the leasor is not satisfied completely, the leasor may request the guarantor to pay off the shortfalls.

在此情况下,任何本可对该签名被注销之当事人行使追偿权之背书人,其责任亦告解除。In such case, any indorser who would have had a right of recourse against the party whose signature is cancelled is also discharged.

偿还债务超过自己应当承担份额的按份共有人,有权向其他共有人追偿。Where a person who shares ownership pays debts in excess of his share, he shall have the right to recourse from the other co-owners.