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他可以表演的幻术几乎无所不包,虽然他永远不说出箇中秘诀。He could produce almost any illusion, though he was not saying how.

包豪斯的设计从房屋到茶壶、台灯,汗牛充栋无所不包。From housing to the Bauhaus design teapot lamp, voluminous all-encompassing.

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古人认为音乐及音乐思想反映了一种无所不包的世界观。Music and musical thought were the expression of an all-embracing world view.

在这样一个无所不包且能完全得出解释的宇宙,上帝的位置又在哪里?In such an all-encompassing and fully explicable cosmos, then, what place for God?

然而,公众却反对在自己喜欢的项目方面进行削减——这个项目几乎无所不包。Yet the public opposes cuts in programs it likes — and it likes almost everything.

有人会说,那包括的内容就太多了,几乎无所不包呀。But someone will say, that includes the content is too many, almost all-embracing ah.

我认为曾经是这样,不过如果一个项目无所不包也会导致风险。I think it was, but there's always a danger in being too inclusive in any enterprise.

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现代鳄鱼捕食的猎物无所不包,它们会吞下所有它们能够得着的可食对象。Modern crocs, which hunt a wide range of prey, eat whatever's available in their areas.

镍镉电池的适用对象无所不包,从无线起子机到紧急照明灯皆有。NiCad batteries have powered everything from cordless screwdrivers to emergency lights.

这展览带你无所不包并迷人地穿越这位伟大科学家的生命故事。It takes you comprehensively and fascinatingly through the great scientist's life story.

相反,希腊的新财富多半用于进口各种商品,从德国汽车到法国电视,无所不包。Instead the euros flowed mostly toward imports of everything from German cars to French TVs.

这个符号也起到了指向作用,链接字母a到z,意思是亚马逊的商品无所不包。The swoosh also connects the letters a and z, meaning that this store has everything from a to z.

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他是基础设施建设的狂热支持者,项目从公路到医院无所不包,当然还有光纤。He's an ardent supporter of building everything from roads to hospitals and, naturally, fiber optics.

我们总是对联邦政府攫取权力的欲望反应迟钝,因为它们的行动总是很突然,而且无所不包。We have all been desensitized to the federal power grabs, because they have been so sudden and so sweeping.

小贩们出售的东西无所不包,从羊毛披巾、巨大的毛绒玩具、烟熏鱼一直到地道的西伯利亚毛皮帽子。They sold everything from woollen shawls to huge cuddly toys to pieces of smoked fish to genuine Siberian fur hats.

在这一变迁过程中,政府责任则在从“无所不包”向“有所为、有所不为”迈进。During the transition process, the government's responsibility has been moving towards limited level from unlimited.

这些基本上全是设计专利,从MP3播放器到电源适配器,甚至是苹果商店的楼梯无所不包。Almost all are design patents, running the gamut from MP3 players to power adaptors to the stairs in the Apple Store.

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三分之二的美国人使用谷歌查找信息,从土豚芳香剂到合子分裂,无所不包。Two-thirds of Americans use Google to look for information on everything from aardvark aromatics to zygotic cleavage.

该村感兴趣的行业几乎无所不包,从铝材轧压到传统的医疗,从仿涤纶布到房地产。The town has interests in everything from extruded aluminum to traditional medicine to spun polyester cloth to real estate.

他试着在理发的时候和理发师聊聊天,他们谈了很多事情,无所不包。He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects.