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红色斑疹。A red blotchy rash.

前任大副在船得过斑疹伤寒症。The former chief has got typhus fever on board.

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他们应该接管治疗由于这样才气像斑疹伤寒症一样真实。They should receive treatment because this is as real as typhus.

一般在面部开始出现斑疹并向身体其它部分播散。The rash usually starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.

在少数情况,皮肤病损开始于瘙痒的红色斑疹或丘疹。Less commonly, the skin lesions begin as pruritic red macules or papules.

腺体肿胀之后7天出现粉红色斑疹。A spotty, pink-red rash that appears up to seven days after your glands swell.

但是实际上,因使用化妆水而引起斑疹的情形却屡见不鲜。But in fact, due to the use of water and cause the macula situation is not uncommon.

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落基山斑疹热是一种人犬共患的立克次体病。Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogs and humans.

蜱传斑疹伤寒实际上是非洲和印度次大陆的斑疹热的一种。Tick typhus is actually a form of Spotted fever in Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

斑疹可构成整个或部分皮疹,或仅是早期表现。Macules may constitute the whole or part of the eruption, or may be merely an early phase.

皮疹不存在所谓的斑丘疹,斑疹和丘疹并存是可以的。There is no such thing as a maculopapule, but there may be both macules and papules in an eruption.

直径大于1厘米的斑疹称为斑片,如见于焰痣、白癜风。A patch is a large macule, 1cm or greater in diameter, as may be seen in nevus flammeus or vitiligo.

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对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很容易看见的器官。In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen.

报告1例神经纤维瘤,患者男性,18岁,出生后左小腿出现褐色斑疹。The artiele reported a case of neurofibroma. The patient was a 18- year-old male with brown macule at left leg.

内耳由脆弱的薄膜构成,它承载着密集的由被称作斑疹的特殊细胞构成的片。The inner ear is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae.

“真的是落基山斑疹热,”斯普拉格说,“如果我没有听你的我就会错过它。”"It really is Rocky Mountain spotted fever, " said Sprague, "and I would have missed it if I hadn't listened to you."

患者女,68岁。胸背部、腋下起黑褐色斑疹半年余,无自觉症状。A 68-year-old woman presented with dark-brown macules on the trunk and axillae without subjective symptoms for 6 months.

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一期梅毒患者以硬下疳为主,二期梅毒患者以斑疹型皮肤损伤为主。Clinical manifestation of primary syphilis were generally featured with indurated chancre, secondary syphilis with rash.

通过对温室黄瓜斑疹病和角斑病的处理研究发现,利用灰度共生矩阵方法提取出来的惯性值是识别这两种病害较好的特征参量之一。The inertia value that is concluded by the algorithm of co-matrix was one of the better parameter for recognizing the two diseases.

对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很轻易看见的器官,这种器官称作耳蜗。In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen. This organ is called the cochlea.