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人头像照片将转化率翻倍Human Photos Double Conversion Rate from Carsonified

这个转化率,也就是雅克比,两种情况下都成立。And, this conversion ratio, the Jacobian, works both ways.

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KUN在机会转化率方面是球员的标杆。Sergio Aguero is the benchmark sofar for chance conversion.

你测试过有和没有视频时的转化率吗?Are you testing these conversion rates with and without video?

然而,OTA的用户转化率水平在2009年呈现了整体的上升趋势。However, OTA conversion levels show a general upward trend in 2009.

即使你预装的只是一个应用样本,后面的付费转化率也会很高。Even if your pre-load is only a demo version, conversion rates are high.

雄蚕较雌蚕有较高的生命力和叶丝转化率。Male silkworm are more survivable and higher silk -yielding than the female.

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试验测定了银狐的采食量、饲料转化率及体增重。Finally, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and feed intake were measured.

转化率稍高一点的电池也有,但是它们要重一些。Cells with slightly better conversion rates are available, but they are heavier.

实验结果表明,气化反应温度越高,碳转化率和气化反应速率越高。The higher the gasification temperature is, the higher the carbon conversion is.

大豆提取物对去卵巢大鼠饲料转化率的作用。Effect of soy extract on forage transformation efficiency of ovariectomized rats.

在其他所有东西都一样的情况下,有更高转化率的着陆页更好1。All else being equal, the landing page with the higher conversion rate is better 1.

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煤的粒径对挥发分氮析出作用明显,煤粉越细,挥发分氮转化率越高。The more finely pulverized coal has more higher conversion rate of volatile nitrogen.

随着堆密度的增大,催化剂的转化率和选择性减小。With the increased bulk density, catalyst for the conversion and selectivity decreased.

我在理解反应系统的转化率、产率等问题上有一些困难。I am having some trouble with understanding conversion, yield, etc. in reacting systems.

“为每一次点击考量关键字,代价及转化率”,Kaushik说。Measure for keywords, costs and click-through rates for every click, � Mr. Kaushik said.

消化产物的特性主要有生石灰的转化率、消化产物的粒径和比表面积等。The lime slaking rate is the important factor of the quality of the hydrated production.

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生烃潜力变化较大,可溶有机质转化率和烃转化率都比较低。The conversion rates of the extractable organic matter and the hydrocarbon are both lower.

储蓄—投资转化率和投资效率双低是当前储蓄向投资转化过程中存在的突出问题。In China, both transform rate of saving to investment and efficiency of investment are low.

残渣与父本煤相比有更高的转化率、焦油收率和热解气体积收率,而热解水收率较低。Residue has higher conversion, tar, gas volume yield and less water yield than parent coal.