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这件事不宜迟。This matter asks haste.

无须赘言,事不宜迟,这项改革年内一定会展开。Health care reform must happen this year.

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事不宜迟,必须赶紧行动。Speed is desirable, must hurry to action.

学会说英语是事不宜迟。Being gable to speak English is a top priority.

事不宜迟,且所有的决策均应公开透明。The sooner, the better. All decisions should be transparent.

事不宜迟,我们立刻到社区的大医院去。We could not afford any delay and went to the big hospital immediately.

事不宜迟,与你分享我在30岁时生活教会我的5堂课。Without further ado, here are the 5 lessons that life has taught me at 30 years of age.

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因此,事不宜迟,这里是我个人的10个最令人振奋的最爱列表浪漫的报价。So, without further ado , here is my personal favorite list of the 10 most uplifting romantic quotes.

因此,处在酒店住宿业食物链顶端的人们是时候要出手了,而且事不宜迟。Therefore, it’s up to the people at the top of the lodging food chain to do something about this. Now.

所以,研究出合理可行的黄姜皂素生产废水处理方案事不宜迟。So reasonable and feasible schemes for saponin wastewater treatment should be carried out as soon as possible.

我相信这些经验会对你的生活有益。事不宜迟,来看一下这三十年里,生活所教给我的这五堂课吧。I believe these lessons will add to your life. Without further ado, here are the 5 lessons that life has taught me at 30 years of age.

对传染的防控目前十分急需,且必须加大力度,事不宜迟,尤其是在HIV感染者集中的地方。Infection control precautions are needed now, and must be scaled up without delay in settings where HIV patients are brought together.

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离实验祇有两整个工作日,事不宜迟,赶快行动找仪器和化学品!Time to get into gear and hunt for those things – after all there were only 2 full working days between that day and the experiment day.

有效的行销诉求不仅能够促使顾客采取行动,还能够让顾客了解,为什么事不宜迟,应该立即行动。Good marketing not only asks you to take action but also provides a rationale and reason why you should not delay taking immediate action.

懂得日本既已成为美国的事不宜迟,我们就不能对这些矛盾以及其余很多同样令人烦操的抵触束之高阁了。When it became so important for America to understand Japan, these contradictions and many others equally blatant could not be waved aside.

除了这笔交易大有赚头外,法国的最高层政治人物且已认定,善用法国这项最伟大资产事不宜迟。Not only is the payoff lucrative , but top French politicians decided it was time to make better use of one of the country's greatest assets.

张启山感觉日本人将会有对长沙不利的大行动,事不宜迟,他决定和张副官亲自前往一探究竟。Zhang Qishan feel Japanese large, there will be adverse to the changsha action before its he decided to go to find out and zhang adjutant in person.

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如果当今教育系统出了纰漏,也应该是我们——你、我、家长、老师、纳税人、选举人——共同来整治,事不宜迟。and that if the current educational system is flawed, it's up to us -- you, me, parents, teachers, taxpayers, registered voters -- to fix it, right now.

事不宜迟,狄公率手下军头化装出城追查,在邙山深处已废弃的上灵村,找到五辆崭新的乌蓬马车。Without further ado, Di Gong rate of men disguised military head out of the city to trace, in the depths Mangshan abandoned village on the spirits to find five new Ukrainian Punta carriage.