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真龙卷轴!The dragon scroll!

以前的书都是卷轴。Early books were all scrolls.

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叉手工具,用于搬运卷轴。Forks type tooling for handling reels.

我带着卷轴返回维洛司处。I have returned to Verus with the scroll.

五杰之一要得到龙卷轴了!One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll!

怒发冲冠五侠客将有一个要得到龙卷轴了!One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll!

以上不过是全明星队的明星,你尚可查阅卷轴中的余料猛料。But those are just the stars of the All-Star team.

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中国画大都是画在绢卷轴上的。Most Chinese pictures are painted on silk scrolls.

1769年,理查德·阿克莱特发明了卷轴纺纱机。In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented a spinning reel.

弹簧驱动卷轴可以改装成“持续张紧”式卷轴吗?Can my spring driven reel be made "constant tension"?

防具增强卷轴使用到项链上将不起作用。Scrolls of enchant armor will not work on these items.

只有两圈绳子绕在卷轴上。There were only two rings of rope spooled on the drum.

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LED灯带和卷轴。绿色。透镜型绿色扩散。Tape and reel LED lamp. Green. Lens type green diffused.

如何更换7000系列卷轴锁紧装置上的弹簧?How do I replace the latch spring on my 7000 Series reel?

LED灯带和卷轴。黄色。镜头类型琥珀扩散。Tape and reel LED lamp. Yellow. Lens type amber diffused.

暗黑3中会类似吗?或者我们会再次有复活卷轴?Similar with D3 or can we have Ressurection Scrolls again?

LED灯带和卷轴。黄色。镜头类型黄色扩散。Tape and reel LED lamp. Yellow. Lens type yellow diffused.

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我们把绳子从卷轴上绕下来,顺到了山下。We spooled the rope off the drum, and put it down the hill.

我用封蜡将卷轴封好,并系上一根红丝带。I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon.

艾格文,第一年就精通了牛逼的梅特里卷轴。Aegwynn mastered the powerful Meitre scrolls in her first year.