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板结的土壤几乎没有隔热作用。A compact soil has little insulating effect.

一旦土壤板结粘闭,可能要几个季节才能得以恢复。Once soils are puddled badly, it may require several seasons to restore.

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析出物结构板结、致密、硬度大,属于无序聚集体。The structure of stemming is plate, densify , high hardness, and the stemming is disorder aggregate.

这样,我们分别从艺术和自然这两个角度对一种遭板结的状况进行了揭示。Thus we show a kind of hardened situation or petrification from these two aspects of art and nature.

黄河三角洲表层土壤中的大量盐类物质可以造成土壤的板结化、盐渍化、砂僵化。There is plenty of salt in surface soil of Yellow River delta, which makes soil hardened and salinized.

是与社会构造的板结化不有关连的。"Second gener" so popular with the sociing structure of the compprocessing of not unrelconsumedd to the.

长期使用可改善土壤结构,防止土壤板结,增强土壤保水、保肥、保温透气性。Also improve soil texture, prevent compaction and enhance the ability of preservation moisture and fertility.

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长期过量施用化肥,会造成土壤物理性质恶化,肥力下降,土壤板结,肥效降低。Long-term surfeit use of excessive fertilizer will make the physical property of soil worsen, the soil harden and leanness.

系列枪式点焊机广泛应用于大型网板和大型钢板结构件的成形点焊,可焊接低碳钢、不锈钢、铜、铝等金属圆材及板材。QDN series gun-spot welder is widely used in the complete welding of the structures of large halftone and large steel plate.

紧实土壤降雨后常由于板结而严重影响作物出苗,导致建植不良乃至失败。Crusting of heavy clay soils after rainfall often causes poor emergence of crop seedlings from soil or even failure of a crop.

这些沉积物位于地表,主要是由泥土、砂砾和一种粘稠的石油构成,这些石油板结成块,看起来就像土块和石屑。Deposits sit on top of the earth, and they're composed of clay, sand and a dense form of petroleum that clumps like sod and crumbles.

在这里,如何板结表面复沙和加固风蚀崖顶,便成了突出问题。Here the problem of the utmost importance is how to harden the composite sand on the cliff face and strengthen the wind eroded cliff top.

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适量的保水剂可以适当地提高土壤的坚实度,但保水剂的用量过高时则会造成土壤板结。Suitable dosage of water-holding agent could properly elevate massiness coefficient of soil, but excessive dosage could cause harden of soil.

该土壤存在着土质黏重、透气性差、宜板结等特性,采用常规的容器育苗技术,出苗率、成苗率均较低,育苗成效差。Adopting general seedling-raising technique, the emergence percentage and the stocking percent were lower, the results of seedling-raising was poor.

反洗频率低,抗压强度高,不粉化、不板结,比表面积大,活性高,再生效果好。The backwashof low frequency, high compressive strength, no powder, no hardening, high activity and large specific surface area, good regeneration effect.

而今天,地戏却以民间艺术顽强的艺术内聚力和板结性,为中国戏剧发展史提供了寻径探幽的活材料,因而被誉为“中国戏剧活化石”。Today, Anshun local drama is renowned as "living fossil of Chinese drama" for it provides abundant resources for research on development of Chinese drama.

与传统的土基场地相比,砂基坪床提供了更好的渗透排水性能和抗板结性能。Compared with the traditional field soil based sports field, the sand-based sports field provides the better drainage and compaction resistance performance.

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通过应用声波清灰技术,使电除尘器极板、极线表面的清灰效果得到提高,灰斗出口积灰板结、架桥、易堵的问题得到有效解决。The clean effects on polar plates and polar lines are increased. The problems of dust accumulation, agglomeration, brige connection and blockage are solved.

用于制作各类合金结构件及其零部件,如电站锅炉过热器集箱、大口径管板结构件。For the production of various types of alloy structural parts and components, such as the power station boiler superheated header, large diameter tube plate Structure.

于是,我们用铁锨翻铲土地,把深色的肥料埋到地下,把板结的碎土块耙细,把了无生气的种子一排排整齐压进泥土里。So, in the spring , we plunge shovels into the garden plot , turn under the dark compost , rake fine the crumbling clods , and press the inert seeds into orderly rows.