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案发地点就在她家的地下室里。In her basement.

我曾居住过的地点。Where I lived before.

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定一下地点和时间吧。Name the place and time.

你目前所在的地点是控制室。You are in a control room.

孟兆祥只能麻木地点着头。Meng could only nod numbly.

我们正在搜查那个地点。We are searching the place.

我把你从他的地点调开。I"ll get you away from him."

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地点在左手一边。It's on the leave-hand side.

所以,这里是个绝好的见面地点,So it's the perfect meeting spot

以上图片拍摄地点是在鲁瓦地区。These images were taken in Ruwa.

白岩松演讲地点在卢斯礼堂。Bai made his speech at Luce Hall.

你知道我们办公室的地点吗?Do you know where our offices are?

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我觉得演出地点是非常火爆的。I think the venue is very popular.

营救人员赶往雪崩地点。Rescue workers rushed to the site.

记下蜱虫咬你的地点与日期。Note the site and date of the bite.

在那个地点,悬崖骤然变得陡峭起来。The cliff drops away at that point.

他无声地点点头,像个死人。He nodded mutely. He was a dead man.

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彼得很早就到开会地点了。Peter arrived early for the meeting.

但她把自爆地点选在了伊拉克。Instead, she blew herself up in Iraq.

那个下午,他回到工作地点。That afternoon, he went back to work.