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师者,传道授业解惑也。Teacher, preach to teach to dispel doubt also.

教室是教师传道授业、学生学习知识的主要场所。Classroom is the main places of teaching and learning.

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教师肩负着传道授业的双重责任。The teacher carry to preach the dual responsibility for teach.

许多学者也会花时间传道授业。Most academics spend some of their time imparting knowledge as well.

谷歌中国创始人兼总裁李开复引领了一股中国企业家向学习者传道授业的风潮。Lee, founding president of Google China, spearheads the trend of Chinese entrepreneurs wooing learners.

莱曼将回归阿森纳为下一代的枪手们传道授业解惑。Jens Lehmann is returning to Arsenal to pass on his eccentricity to the Gunners' next generation of stars.

你有着极强的能力说服人们拥护你的观点,这将十分有助于你传道授业。You will be particularly good at convincing people to come around to your opinion, which is very useful in teaching.

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教师具备良好的仪表形象、教与学中的情感交流、严谨治学、传道授业、营造愉快和谐的学习氛围。Teachers must have a good image, pay attention to the exchange of emotion with students and create harmonious studyatmosphere.

高校教室不但是老师传道授业解惑的地方,也是大学生获取知识的主要场所。The university's classroom is not only the place that teachers have lessons, but also the place that students obtain their knowledge.

阅读教学不再仅仅是教师展现才华,传道授业解惑的舞台,更是聋生成长的舞台。Teaching is no longer merely the stage for teachers display their talent and preaching the 1st doubts, the stage is the growth of Deaf-mute students.

研究如何利用网络技术充分地发挥教师传统的传道授业解惑的角色作用,应该是未来网络教育发展的方向。Research on how to utilize the network technology adequately to reassure the traditional teacher role of education should be the future development direction of online education.

“师者,传道授业解惑也。”教师是一个神圣的职业,本文从几方面讲述了笔者的亲身感受,做一个幸福快乐的教师。"the teacher, proselytizes instructs dispels doubt. " The teacher was a sacred occupation, this article narrated from several aspects author's own feeling, was a happiness joyful teacher.

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对于在世界金融首都中心的商学院里传道授业的自由市场派经济学家来说,倡议政府全面接管银行系统简直就是大逆不道。As free-market economists teaching at a business school in the heart of the world's financial capital, we feel downright blasphemous proposing an all-out government takeover of the banking system.