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我偏爱舒伯特的小夜曲。I prefer Schubert 's Serenade.

我偏爱舒伯特的小夜曲。I prefer Schubert's serenades.

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普拉西多·多明戈演唱他的爱情小夜曲。Placido Domingo sang his serenade of love.

这支小夜曲我听多少遍也不觉得厌烦。I never tire of listening to this serenade.

然后由全部的已婚妇女为新娘唱小夜曲。She is then serenaded by all the married women.

对自己的女友唱小夜曲是违法的。It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend.

小夜曲为小提琴,中提琴与大提琴在D大,作品。Serenade for violin, viola & cello in D major, Op.

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我意识到这是一支小夜曲——一支苏格兰小夜曲。I sensed this to be a serenade—a Scottish serenade.

小夜曲唱走调,那雄鲸老兄你今夜就得独自徘徊了。Serenade out of tune—you might be swimming solo tonight.

歌手们在平底船上对着游客唱着小夜曲。The singers were serenading the visitors on the gondola.

他还向贾斯汀一个很好的措施预展小夜曲。He also gave Justin a pre-show serenade for good measure.

这些悠扬的小夜曲真令人难忘,是吧?。Those melodious serenades are unforgettable, aren't they?

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你最喜欢听哪种音乐?你喜欢听小夜曲吗?What kind of music do you like best? Do you like serenade?

在演奏中他总爱带着一两个女孩上台,对着她们呤唱小夜曲。In concert he always brings a girl or two on stage to serenade them.

这位作曲家已将肖邦的小夜曲改编为合奏曲。The composer has arranged Chopin's nocturnes for the full orchestra.

我们经常给孩子哼小夜曲,不知不觉我们也跟着睡着了。We often sing lullabies to our children that we ourselves may sleep.

他说,当天晚上有一位先生为他的情人唱小夜曲。He said, a gentleman that evening was going to serenade his mistress.

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没错,她就是前张图片里为弗格森唱小夜曲的可爱女孩儿。Yes, she's the lovely lady serenading Sir Alex in the previous slide.

那天恰逢我的生日,吃完早餐后全体工作人员为我唱了一首小夜曲。It happened to be my birthday, and after breakfast I was serenaded by the crew.

曾经被辱骂的目标,现在成了球迷写了小夜曲唱颂的人。Once the object of taunts, Park was now serenaded with a song dedicated to him.