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有十字架的石窟。The grotto with the cross.

这石钟山有一片石窟群。There is a group of caves here.

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石窟艺术与佛教是十分密切的。Grotto art and Buddhism is very close.

云岗石窟是哪个年代的?What period is the Yungang Stone Cave from?

来到了龙门石窟,就算是西山的山顶了。Longmen Grottoes is the peak of Western Hills.

这里最引人注目的就是炳灵寺石窟。Here is the most eye-catching Binglingsi Grotto.

炳灵寺石窟在兰州城西南129公里处。Bingling Si Grotoes are 129 km southwest of Lanzhou.

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隋唐以后的龙门石窟才出现。After the Sui and Tang Dynasties Longmen Grottoes only.

河南省龙门石窟是世界文化遗产。The Longmen Grottoes are cultural heritage in the world.

石窟艺术是为当时信佛的人们服务的。Grotto art is for the people at that time Xinfo services.

广元石窟位于四川省北部广元市。GuangYuan grottoes lies in the north of Sichuan Province.

对敦煌石窟的研究又叫敦煌学。The study of Dunhuang grottoes are known as Dunhuangology.

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系我国东部最大的石窟造像群。Department of East China 's largest grotto sculpture group.

吃过午餐后,我走马观花地参观了龙门石窟。After lunch, I managed a brief visit to the Longmen Grottoes.

整个石窟一片黑暗,只有灵魂树的枝条发出如梦如幻的光芒。The grotto is dark except for the spectral GLOW of the willows.

利用一天然石窟,内塑观音及十八罗汉像。The use of a natural grotto , with plastic, like Yin and Rohan 18.

是中国北齐时期遗留下来的最大的石窟遗存。They are the biggest cave legacy remained from Northern Qi Dynasty.

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麦积山石窟在甘肃天水县东南的麦积山上。Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.

麦积山石窟被中国国务院列为文物保护单位。Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.

宋德芳重建昊天观,并开凿三洞石窟。Song Defang Haotian reconstruction concept, and caves dug three holes.