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你也收到我们幸福的喜糖了吗?。You have received our happiness happy sweet?

让你的婚礼用喜糖更加高档专业时尚。Wedding packages can be uesd as high-grade candy.

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并说,到那么一天,你会让我吃你的喜糖。And said, that one day, you will let me eat your joyful candy.

“好缘喜糖”,缔造中国婚庆喜糖市场独有“缘”文化!"Good margin of candy, " to create a unique Chinese wedding candy market, "fate"

相片和喜糖。喜糖真的大受欢迎的,每个人拿着都喜欢。Our picture show and candies. The candies were quite popular, everybody likes them.

介绍了婚庆喜糖纸盒包装的市场现状及前景。Current conditions and prospects of carton packaging of wedding candy were introduced.

这款来自美国的钻戒喜糖会令所有的客人欣喜若狂,与新人们一起陶醉在这甜蜜时光中。This candy ring lets all guests participate in the ring revelry and have a treat at the same time.

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在婚宴上,你经常能看到新娘和新郎给客人吃喜糖倒喜酒。At the wedding banquet, you'll see the bride and groom giving the guests joyful candy and joyful wine.

丁父提出跟胜利、美丽一起上班,去给两人的同事们发喜糖。Put forward DingFu with victory, beautiful work together, to give two colleagues hair happiness candies.

再者还要做的就是要购买喜烟,喜糖和喜酒等,这些都是要早早的做好的。Furthermore, what you need to do is to buy tobacco, candy and wedding and so on, these are to be early to do a good job.