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这位年轻的僧人被准许还俗。The young monk was released from his vows.

他去年还俗后就开始蓄发了。He started growing hair after resuming his secular life last year.

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可如果闻道真的背叛少林的话,是要过十八铜人阵,被打出少林还俗的。But if to smell really rebelled against shaolin, eighteen copper brown, was hit shaolin secularization.

还俗了的大男孩正在马德里学习电影,自称同那个尊其为活佛的宗教组织没什么光彩的关系了。He is now studying film in Madrid and has denounced the Buddhist order that elevated him to guru status.

世人总是较注意某一个跳墙还俗''。'尼姑'。'',而不大注意成千上万的不跳墙还俗的''。'尼姑'。''。The world is always more interested in the one num who goes over the wall than the thousands who don 't.

其属员称通道观学士,来自儒士和还俗的僧人、道士。Its staff members who used to be Confucians, Buddhist monks and Taoists were called bachelors of Tong Dao Guan.

所以我主张,无论是谁,愿意单独一人住小庙,那还不如还俗好了。Therefore, I propose that anyone who wants to live in a small temple all by himself, might as well return to lay-life.

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那士兵了解之后就还俗了,他向父母说明道理,力劝他们毁掉那神龛,但他们不听。The soldier understood and having disrobed told his parents and urged them to demolish the shrine but they wouldn't have it.

他不堪忍受医院的疾病,逃走后很快又被送回寺庙,被迫还俗。Unable to stand ill-treatment there, he fled but was soon brought back to the monastery that forced him to resume secular life.

他看到了小翠的死是因,他打死小鸟是果,因无法平静接受这一切,他还俗了。He saw small because of, emerald green is to death, he beats dead birdie is if really, because cannot accept all these calmly, his resume secular life.

伊斯坦布尔的圣索菲亚大教堂曾经是东正教主教圣殿,之后被转变为清真寺,自1934年还俗之后作为博物馆使用。Istanbul's Hagia Sophia was a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica before being converted to a mosque, but is now a museum since being secularized in 1934.

村田珠光11岁到奈良称名寺出家,20岁时因厌倦了出家生活而还俗,此后的10年四处漂泊。Murata Pearlescent Nara said 11-year-old to become famous, 20-year-old due to become tired of life to return to secular life, after 10 years of drifting around.