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如何熨烫金袖一族衬衫?How to ironing GGM shirts?

烫金箔可用来保护产品不被仿制。Hot gold foil can be used to protect products from being imitation.

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用途本机可用于人造革、布料等的印刷、改色、涂布、烫金等处理。Printing, colour changing, laminating, bronzing for PU, PVC, or Fabric.

并承接自来纸品印刷、烫金、啤粘等加工业务。We undertake the processing business in paper product printing and gilding.

到处是装满新鲜水果的碗和烫金边的宗教书籍。Bowls brimmed with fresh fruit, and gilt-edged religious books were everywhere.

采用连杆机构,使之烫金速度快、效果好。Applying connecting mechanism, gold stamping at high speed and with good effect.

他偶然摸着了烫金属,疼的大叫一声抽回了手。By accident he touched the hot metal, and yanked his hand away with a cry of pain.

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金属烫金机广泛用于金属产品工件的热转印和烫金。This machine is suitable for heat transfer print and gilding of metal work pieces.

公司大门上的几个烫金大字是用魏碑体写的。The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script.

用于鞋底、皮革、橡胶、塑料等制品的压花、烫金。Applicable for embossing and gold stamping of sole, leather, rubber and plastic, etc.

调速电机驱动烫金夹具的起点和终点可以方便的任意调节和控制。The start-point and end-point can be adjusted conveniently because of the speed motor.

公司自营有烫金,复合,滴塑,印花等加工厂。Companies have self-bronzing, composite, drop models, printing and other processing plants.

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在卷筒状的丝带表面进行烫金有直接烫金和间接烫金两种工艺。In the drum-shaped surface of gilt ribbon has a direct and indirect gilt gilt two processes.

我们拥有印刷、烫金、超声熔接、组装等二次加工工程。We have secondary processes like printing, hot stamping, ultrasound welding, assembling etc.

产品主要有绣花、烫金、印花。扎染。特种涂层。起皱等系列。Our main products are embroidery, bronzing, printing, tie dying, special coating, creping and etc.

如果纸张在250克以上的话,烫金、压凹凸腐蚀深度还可以深一些。If the paper in the 250 grams, bronzing , pressure concavoconvex corrosion depth can also some deep.

本机适用于斗方、挥春的烫印,也适应木制品、塑料、皮革、漆布的压痕、烫金。The machine adjusts to bronze special to bronze press dent for wood , plastic, buff and printing cloth.

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烫金版油加热,恒温自动控制,油泵循环。Pre-heating oven. Oil heating for bronzing plate, constant temperature auto control, oil pump circulation.

这是比较普通的英文版本,无插图,书边没有烫金,即使没有损坏也不及我失掉的那本牛津版。Unillustrated and not gilt-edged, the book is inferior to the Oxford edition I had lost even when it was new.

正如同时至今,我们还会将一些烫金的书卷散放在室中的桌上,供来客翻阅消遣。Even as, in our own days, we scatter gilded volumes on the centre-table, to be turned over by the casual guest.