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健康所系,生命相托。The Oath of Medical StudentHealth related, life entrusted.

就为了每日几碗白米,便以命相搏?Why, for a handful of rice every day, do they risk their lives?

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所以我希望他俩能命相帮助,取长补短。Therefore, I hope they could help each other and learn from each other.

老叫化,你今日跟我是比武决胜呢,还是性命相拚?Laojiaohua, today you told me is winning the contest, or the normalization of life phase?

或者它还可与其它同命相怜的公司合并,寄希望于规模效应来重振河山。Or it can merge with other firms in similar straits, hoping that economies of scale fix things.

许是没有父母的同命相怜,杜军对这个陌生相逢的女孩总是多了一份怜惜。Xu is no parents the same boat", Du Jun in this strange encounter the girl is always more than a pity."

这些话让我心甘情愿的付钱,快乐的走出命相馆,觉得人生一片光明。With these words I paid the money willingly and walked out of the fortuneteller's happily feeling that future is bright.

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徐年少时,一个算命的卜了一卦说她与父亲的命相冲,此后徐便只得远离父母居住。Xu spent her childhood years living away from her parents after "a fortuneteller said my horoscope showed I was not compatible with my father".

卢伊萨来找梅南理论,可梅南放出狠话,以卢伊萨全家的性命相要挟,卢伊萨别无选择,只好听其摆布。Lou issa to find MeiNa theory, can MeiNa emit malicious words to Lou issa family life phase coerce, Lou issa has no choice but to listen to his thumb.

有些人外在的运命相对不如人意,无法发现足够的乐趣来使他们的生活富有意义,但个中原因通常是他们只专注于自我而不在乎他人。When people who are tolerably fortunate in their outward lot do not find in life sufficient enjoyment to make it valuable to them, the cause generally is. caring for nobody but themselves.