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暴行常发生在人烟稠密的地区。Violence breeds in densely populated areas.

冲进呛人烟雾的是那位绝望的妇女。Into the stifling smoke plunged the desperate woman.

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在这些人烟稠密的城市中,劳工运动逐渐形成。In these crowded centers, the labor movement took form.

人烟稠密的住宅区发生火灾时,房子总是取代树木,成为主要燃料。In dense neighborhoods, houses replace trees as the primary fuel.

丹徒的大部分住宅区没有汽车,没有人烟In most neighborhoods of Dantu, there are no cars, no signs of life

泸水一带人烟极少,瘴气很重而且泸水有毒。Along the densely Lushui very little heavy but Lushui poisonous miasma.

一开始的时候,当上帝创造天地万物时,大地是没有任何形状,并且毫无人烟。In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate.

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他这样走了一段时间,一天来到一个人烟比较稠密的地方。He had traveled in this way for some time , when he came to a more thickly settled country.

但是当他拿着它的时候他发现自己站在一片蓝沙滩上面对着荒芜人烟的黑色大海。But as he raised it he found himself standing on a shore of blue sand by a sluggish, black sea.

兄弟俩到了那里,两个毛头小伙子,两个乡巴佬,到了人烟稠密的大城市里,举目无亲。The brothers, two young guys or two rubes, arrived in the dense populated city had no relatives.

因为一位智慧人,就能使一城人烟稠密,而罪人的家族,却可使城池荒凉。By one that is wise a country shall be inhabited, the tri be of the ungodly shall become desolate.

这是这些人烟稠密的村庄里的村民很普遍的抱怨,这些村庄对该地区的公园和保护区的网络形成了包围之势。It's a common complaint in the overcrowded villages that ring the region's networks of parks and reserves.

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但当我们今天再外出度假时,我们想要的是一幢远离人烟的托斯卡纳别墅,最好从1847年起就没人到过。But when we go on holiday today we crave a Tuscan villa so remote that no native has been there since 1847.

曾经拥有一个郁郁葱葱的绿色环境的伊拉克,甚至号称是“伊甸园”的基座,如今已是荒芜人烟的不毛之地。Arid and desolate Iraq was once a green, lush environment even reputed to be the setting of the Garden of Eden.

我们夺了他的一切城邑,将有人烟的各城,连女人带孩子,尽都毁灭,没有留下一个。At that time we took all his towns and completely destroyed them--men, women and children. We left no survivors.

如果撞击发生在人烟稠密的地带,无疑数百万人将生灵涂炭,伤者更众。If it had struck a highly populated area, the deaths would have numbered in the millions, and the injuries even more.

不过,一个很微小的天体掉进在大气层中烧掉,或落在荒芜人烟的地带,现在看这些都不值得一提。A small asteroid might be burning up in the atmosphere or touching down in the wilderness right now without any consequence.

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它们非常耐寒,成长缓慢,常常是最先进驻人烟罕至地方的植物,如山巅和极北地区。These extremely hardy, slow growers often are pioneer species in sparse environments such as mountain tops and the far North.

想想那些小偷们流窜在人烟密集的居民区,又能快速地在治安严格的地区之外重新建立新的目标。Think of thieves moving through densely packed homes and quickly able to establish new targets outside the heavily policed area.

我穿着我鲜亮的新婚睡衣赶紧溜到座位上,把车开到一处荒芜人烟的地方我们穿好了衣服。I quickly slid over the seat in my bright honeymoon jammies and drove to a deserted place down the lane where we could get dressed.