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蔓生的牵牛花藤越过了雨林的天蓬,疯长开去。Weedy morning-glory vines overran the rainforest canopy.

由于我们的后院朝北,所以苔藓总是疯长。Our backyard is facing the north, so there is always moss growing madly.

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照顾兰兰的日子里,爱情在兰兰的心里疯长。In the day that takes care of Lan Lan, love is in Lan Lan's heart overgrowth.

珊瑚白化以后,海草便不受控制的疯长起来。When coral bleaches, seaweed can grow out of control, stifling reef recovery.

他园子里的杂草还是像过去一样的疯长,隔上好久巴卢先生才清理一次。Grass was grass , and the little that was Mr Ballou's didn't take long to trim.

学生们因为疯长的大学学费而一直在承受痛苦。Students have been suffering from college tuitions rising like there is no tomorrow.

最糟糕的城市集中在先前房价疯长的佛罗里达和加州。The worst cities are clustered in former housing bubble areas like Florida and California.

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心里浓重的哀伤像爬山虎一样,迅速蔓延、疯长,不可抑制,终于茂密一片。My sorrow is like a kind of creeper, spreading and growing frenziedly, finally becoming dense.

这个夏天,我的指甲就像我对你的思念一样疯长。但最终,它还是断了。This summer, my nails were crazy growing just like my missing for you. However, it finally breaked off.

20在连续几个季度的疯长后搜索引擎之王Google终于让华尔街失望了一次。After gangbuster earnings quarter after quarter, search king Google has finally disappointed Wall Street.

疯长的藻类会消耗水体中大量的氧气,使其他水生生物窒息而死,从而破坏生态系统。It is ravaging the ecosystem because it consumes large quantities of oxygen, suffocating other marine life.

政府还极其混乱的干预了房地产市场,使得某些城市的租金疯长。The government has also intervened messily in the property market, where rents are rising fast in some cities.

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除此以外,那条街就只剩下一块块杳无人迹杂草疯长之地、一些废弃的建筑、一家发电厂和一个桥梁匝道。Otherwise the street was a no-man’s-land of weed-choked lots, abandoned buildings, a power station, a bridge ramp.

要想该策略相当成功,必须迅速增加邮件服务器,否则疯长就会搁浅并且夭折。If the strategy is wildly successful, mailservers must be added very quickly or the rapid growth will bog down and die.

在2002年结束的内战期间和战后,有限的物资供应导致了物价疯长。The crazy prices were initially the result of limited supply during and shortly after the civil war that ended in 2002.

疯长的物价是一个主要被关注的问题,这也是政府为什么这么关注现在高通货膨胀率的原因。Rising prices was one major concern, which is why the government is so concerned about the current high level of inflation.

并且虽然今年的春天来得很晚,很多植物和花卉却长得很好,因为干燥的天气避免了野草疯长,这对它们是有利的。And despite the late spring, plants and flowers thrived as dry weather stopped them from being overgrown by vigorous grasses.

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在叛徒维婕尔的帮助下,杰森成功越狱。在已被遇战疯人征服的科洛桑,他躲进了植被疯长的野外。Aided by the traitorous Vergere, Jacen escaped his captivity into the overgrown wilds of the Yuuzhan Vong-conquered Coruscant.

很多伦敦人对疯长的黑莓如此唾手可得一无所知,他们对餐桌上的食物从何而来、本地野生植物都有哪些也从未关心。Most Londoners don't know about this abundance and havenever had this close a relationship with their food and local wildlife.

大雨让原始森林里的各种野生菌都迅速疯长出来,但是杂菌不能引起卓玛和妈妈的兴趣。Matsutake in the ancient forest begin to shoot up after the heavy rain. But only matsutake is an interest to Zhuoma and her mother.