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很幸运,那侮蔑的话对他们产生不了作用。Luckily, that insulting remark was lost upon them.

如果他们这样侮蔑圣洁的神子。If they said this about the sinless, holy Son of God.

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火箭啊,你对星星的侮蔑又跟随你自己回到了大地。Rockets, your insult to the stars follows yourself back to the earth.

爆仗呀,你对群星的侮蔑,又跟着你本身回到地上来了。rockets, your insult to the stars follows yourself back to the earth.

以前还从来没有哪一部像这样有学术价值的鸿篇巨著遭到过如此肆无忌惮的攻击和侮蔑。Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbridled fury and contempt.

不要侮蔑你不知道的真理,否则你将以生命补偿你的过失。---莎士比亚。Please don't insult the truth you haven't ever known, or you will compensate your fault with your life.

他们的视线遇着,他的眼睛是冷酷的,险恶的,充满着厌恶和侮蔑,漠然于未来的事情。Their eyes met. His had a cold, ugly look of dislike and contempt, and indifference to what would happen.

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她现在的唯一办法,就是避免人们侮蔑的注视和默默忍受身上要来的巨大变化。All she could do now was to shun the scornful gaze of men, and to bear in silence the great change that was coming upon her.

我还看到,无人遭到马克西姆的侮蔑,倒是有人自比圣贤先哲。I observed, too, that no man could ever think that he was despised by Maximus, or ever venture to think himself a better man.

他们的视线遇着,他的眼睛是冷酷的,险恶的,充满着厌恶和侮蔑,漠然于未来的事情。她的眼睛则含恨的,盛她的。Their eyes MET. His had a cold, ugly look of dislike and contempt, and indifference to what would happen. Hers were hot with rebuff.