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时间飞逝。Time flys.

他们说时间飞逝。They say time flies.

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生命短暂,光阴飞逝.Life is short and time is swift.

时间飞逝,伤痛逐渐痊愈。Time went by and so wounds heal.

时光飞逝,十里洋场已经大变样儿了。How times have changed since then.

时间飞逝,让我们和时间赛跑吧。Time flies, let's hve rce with time.

时光飞逝,孩子们也在成长。Time marches on, and so do children.

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时光飞逝,知道死神的到来。How time flied. Death god came to Ali.

时光飞逝,画面也如过眼烟云。As the years flew by , so did the images.

时间的飞逝是无法阻挡的。There is no way to stop the flight of time.

时间的金色翅膀飕飕的飞逝过去了。Time flew past with a whir of golden wings.

这个伟大的小灵魂飞逝了。This grand little soul had taken its flight.

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时光飞逝,朋友四海为家。Time flies, and friends are scattered around.

时间飞逝,我还是坐在这里,内心却在挣扎。That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin'

时光飞逝,每个人不像他在昨日。How time flys , everybody isn't the one yesterday.

在高速公路上车子穿梭般地一辆接一辆飞逝而过。One car after another is speeding by on the freeway.

时光飞逝,一眨眼间,母亲的第四个儿子——人类诞生了。As time went by, mother's fourth son- human was born.

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时光飞逝,大贝贝的城堡越盖越大。Time flies, and Justin's castle grows larger and larger.

当你肺里的焦油量逐渐增多,时间也在不断飞逝。Time sure does fly when you are tarring over your lungs.

飞逝的时间向梦一样过去了。The flown time appeared like dream in my declining memory.