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我听从命令!I hear and obey!

她喜欢服从命令。She liked orders.

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为什么需要命令?Why have a mandate?

不要你命令我!Not at your command!

我们必须服从命令。We must obey orders.

这是一个命令句式。And it's a directive.

好警察服从命令。Good cops take order.

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你非得服从命令不可。You must obey orders.

命令的次序错误。Bad sequence of mands.

打开命令提示符。Open a Command Prompt.

但是我们不能命令席德。We couldn't command Sid.

我们知道可以“撤销”这个命令。We know it can be undone.

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为什么要使用命令行?Why use the command line?

他命令你住嘴。He ordered you to shut up.

跑?多谢?命令。Run the ?regedit? command.

军人必须服从命令。A soldier must obey orders.

他命令我们不要讲话。He ordained us not to talk.

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他命令我们奔赴前线。He ordered su to the front.

他们不理会我的命令。They tuned out my commands.

关于'点击在表格的命令'。Click on 'In-Form Commands'.