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她花招比他多。She faked him out.

这是新花招。It's a new gimmick.

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那么你的小花招是什么?。What's your little game, then?

我对你的花招实在厌倦了。I'm really tired of your ploys.

我对他们的花招和战略洞若观火。I know their tricks and stratagems.

现在我渐渐识破了她的花招。I'm getting wist to her tricks now.

我是个老人,我懂这些花招。I am the old man. I know hocus-pocus.

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这种花招骗不了人。Nobody will be fooled by such tricks.

广告花招太多了。There is too much advertising gimmickry.

耍了几个小花招,他帮我搞上了那位姑娘。With some tricks,he helped me to the girl.

一路过来我还发现了一些新花招。I have picked up some new tricks along the way.

公关宣传部门显然耍起了引人注目的花招。The promotion department drummed up obvious stunts.

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他无法再想出新的花招来,就讪讪地溜走了。He was unable to think up a new trick and went away.

我的花招为我展示出了欺骗中的扭曲力量。My stunt showed me the disfiguring power of deception.

这是东京浩宇这家玩具制造商的促销花招。This is a marketing ploy by Tokyo toy maker Takara Co.

这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics.

这又是他的小花招之一,他的角色扮演游戏Again, it was part of his gamesmanship, his pretend games.

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他在市场上所耍的花招把他的竞争对手都搞糊涂了。His maneuvers in the market had his competitors buffaloed.

正面地面对这样一个只是为了延期而耍的自欺欺人的花招吧。Confront this head-on as a self-deceptive ploy to postpone.

他凸出的大眼珠肯定是这么回事——用隐形眼镜玩出的花招。The funny look in his eyes was it—the trick contact lenses.