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杰姆说,他估摸,下回我会信他的话。Jim said he reckoned I would believe him next time.

舞台上的杰克逊是一个真正的活物,真正的不可战胜,真正的“难以估摸”。On stage he felt truly alive, invincible, “unlimited”.

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我粗略地估摸了一下,决定不能让孩子看到这第二部分。I decided, roughly, that I wouldn't let the kid see it.

我估摸学校可能给我们带来一些心灵创伤。I guess school can be pretty traumatizing for some of us.

本应该让曼联平和的张骞、玄奘多来走走,然而我估摸,他们没上山。The gentle Zhang Qian and Hsuan Tsang should have visited here.

我估摸着至少能节省2个小时。I estimated that I would save at least two hours of driving time.

你总得估摸着我们雀起镇百姓的腰包,出个能让人接受的价钱啊!You'll need to fix your prices closer to the size of a Lark Rise purse.

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我想,他这是估摸着要是见他在门口,没人会进来。I think he figured maybe no one would come in if they saw him at the door.

唉,咱们只是在估摸时间。也可能太早了或太迟了。Why, we only guessed at the time. Like enough it was too late or too early.

我估摸着有不少人可能是在边上的电脑室中工作,有些独来独往。Men had been working alongside me at the other computers, keeping to themselves.

我一边拿起一个烘焙面包卷,开始一小口一小口地把它吃完,一边估摸他的表情。I picked up a breadstick and began nibbling on the end, measuring his expression.

当他们说半杯蜂蜜或给我任何别的量度时,我只是估摸着来。When they say half a cup of honey, or give me any kind of measurements, I just guess.

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只见一大群孩子,目视过去估摸着差不多有一两百个。A large group of children could be seen there, approximately one or two hundred in number.

你的心脏在手术期间停跳了,估摸着就是我瞎胡想的那时候。Your heart stopped during the operation, and it must have happened right when I got that feeling.

吉姆,我估摸着这趟车今夜又要晚点很久。"I reckon she's agoin' to be pretty late ag'in tonight, Jim, " he remarked in a squeaky falsetto.

此类产业的确切规模只能大致估摸,但他们的覆盖面以及影响力绝对不容忽视。The exact size of these industries can be estimated only vaguely, but their scope and impact cannot be denied.

这孩子从未放弃尝试,他总是看着出租车开近,估摸车会停在人行道旁的什么位置,然后竭尽全力够到车门。He would watch the cab approach, figue out where it would stop along the sidewalk and then try his best to get to the door.

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银发老人礼貌点了点头,估摸着卡巴顿也是一个可怕的家伙,然后,按原路返回。The old silver-haired man nodded politely, fixed Cal with another shocker shocked appraisal, and went back the way he'd come.

我估摸着学校只有160个孩子,有必要在小学使用指纹机来预防犯罪吗?I thought, there's only 160 kids in this school – can book-crime be that bad that you need to biometrically scan primary-school children?

在我的生命里,有那么一段时光,美,对我而言,是别有一番滋味在心头。估摸那时我才六七岁。There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old.