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市道市情上卖的那些外壳都是赝品。The products on sale are fakes.

但是这注定了是一个赝品流行的时代。But then this is the age of fakes.

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下面是七个最著名的PS赝品。Here are seven of the most famous photoshop fakes.

一个识货的鉴赏家本会发现这个古瓶是赝品。Adiscerning connoisseur would have found the vase a fake.

再经仔细观察证实那幅画是赝品。On closer examination the painting was proved to be a fake.

在这四幅画中,有两幅看起来是真的,另外两幅看起来则是赝品。Among the four pictures, two appear to be real, others false.

我仅仅是建造一个赝品来代替真正旳大门。I created it merely as a refrence in substitution for the real Gate.

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今年早些时候,一直纯粹赝品的苹果店在中国的西南被发现。Earlier this year, an entire fake Apple store was discovered in southwest China.

他们制作赝品、欺骗顾客、他们的员工都很傻冒。They make shoddy products. They treat their customers and their employees like shit.

仔细研究一下这幅画,就能看出它是赝品还是真迹。A careful examination of the painting could tell whether it is an original or a copy.

1998年的今天,政府开始发行新的近于赝品的20美元钞票。In 1998, the government began releasing the new, harder-to-counterfeit 20-dollar bill.

你可以看出这表是赝品,由于刻在背面的字拼错了。You can tell that watch is a fake because the words carved on the back are misspelled.

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这幅画是凡·高的真迹还是赝品,需由专家来鉴定。An expert was needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his imitation.

这幅画是梵谷的真迹还是赝品,需由专家来鉴定。An expert was needed to authenticate the original van gogh painting from his imitation.

然而就这件事来说,用户看到的是一个人工数据收集过程制造的‘赝品’。In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artefact of the data collection process.

然而就这件事来说,用户看到的是一个人工数据收集过程制造的‘赝品’。In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process.

但是,对抗赝品的螃蟹--就像打击这里任何一种假冒商品一样--是徒劳的。Yet fighting counterfeit crabs — like fighting any fake product here — is a Sisyphean task.

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加油火箭,我依然相信我们能在第七战解决赝品队。我们必将震惊世界!Let's Go Rockets, I still believe we can beat the Fakers in Game 7. we will SHOCK THE WORLD!

本店出售当代名家瓦当提拔,全是大家,懂的来,拒绝赝品!Vatan shop selling contemporary artists promoted, all everyone to understand, refuse to fake!

他们共缴获了500幅赝品,包括马蒂斯,马格利特和封塔纳等人的作品的伪造品。Five hundred works were seized, including copies of paintings by Matisse, Magritte and Fontana.