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我每天早上刮脸。I shave every morning.

那个人能够刮刮脸就好了。That man could do with a shave.

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他在早晨总是刮脸。He always shaves in the morning.

他用一把电动刮脸刀刮脸。He uses an electric razor for shaving.

他每天早晨都刮脸、擦鞋。Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes.

我曾经决定不去刮脸,心想说不定Amy喜欢我的“胡须”。I had decided not to shave, thinking Amy might like my “beard.”

实际上,有专家谁修剪,剪下,并刮脸机构和耻毛。Actually, there are specialists who trim, cut, and shave body and pubic hair.

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也许你是一个有点害羞拿出你的笨重的剃须刀和刮脸在您的办公室。Probably you are a bit shy to take out your bulky shaver and shave it in your office.

架上有粉盒、漱口剂、电动刮胡刀和刮脸保护液。On the rail there are a powder box, mouthwash, an electric shaver and aftershave lotion.

几个仆人端来了脸盆、刮脸用的热水和几件洗刷干净的衣裳。The servants brought in wash-hand basins, hot water for shaving, and their clothes well brushed.

在调查出的众多原因中,我发现男人是从石器时代就开始刮脸了Among the many reasons I found while doing some research men began shaving in Stone Age times were

这是我父亲的老磨刀皮带,我用它来刮脸并且在我的孩子们需要的时候打他们一顿屁股。It is my father's old razor strop that I use for shaving and when one my boys needs to be spanked.

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他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.

皮肤对此毫无准备,你很可能产生刮脸后的烧灼感,并且造成胡须向内生长。The skin is extemporaneous to this fine long hair, you produce the burn move after shave probably, and cause beard ingrown.

在吉莱特会议上,有一位成员描述了刮脸时最后刮嘴周围的部分是多么“理所当然”的事。During my meeting at Gillette, one group member described how "of course" the last place you should shave is around your mouth.

法老遂即差人去召约瑟,他们便急忙带他出监,他就剃头,刮脸,换衣裳,进到法老面前。So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh.

接着男性还要花18分钟来刮脸,而女性为双腿、腋下和比基尼线脱毛只需14分钟。Men then take 18 minutes on their shaving regime, compared to 14 minutes for women despite them having to trim legs, armpits and bikini line.

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常需要临时解决方案,如刮脸时用肥皂替代已经耗尽的剃须膏,因为你总是缺少必备品。You often need to come up with a makeshift solution, such using soap because you’ve run out of shaving cream, because you don’t have what you need.

思嘉注视着杰拉尔德青灰色的面孔,她生来头一次发现他没有刮脸,他那本来红润的脸上长满了银白的胡须。She looked into Gerald's putty-colored face and, for the first time in her life, she saw him unshaven , his once florid face covered with silvery bristles.