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现代国家原则上都禁止非法取证。Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.

香港资优教育学院将保存未领取证书一年。Certificates will be destroyed uncollected for ONE year.

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我们拥有取证软件,其能显示多层次的删除以及思维过程。We have forensic software that shows multiple levels of deletions.

主要包括静态取证,动态取证和网络取证。It includes static evidence, dynamic evidence and net-work evidence.

香港资优教育学院将保存未領取证书一年。Certificates will be destroyed if they remain uncollected for ONE year.

一是司法审判周期长、费用高、取证困难。First, the justice long period, high cost, difficult to obtain evidence.

你也可从我们以前讨论的较早时作品中的巧妇中取证。You may draw on our discussions of witty ladies in earlier works if you like.

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勘查与取证是打击计算机犯罪的第一步。Reconnoitring and collecting evidence is the first step to castigate such crime.

在单轨制侦查构造的基础上,适当赋予辩方取证权利。On the basis of single track, entrust the defenders to the right of obtaining evidence.

在某些情形下,审计的细节不够解答关键取证问题。In some cases, the audit details are insufficient for answering key forensic ques­tions.

另一个媒体诠释下的“性学”所存在的常见问题便是不经取证的数据报道。Another common problem we see in the media’s use of ‘sex science’ is cherry picking data.

重新设计并实现了计算机日志勘察取证系统日志分析平台。Redesigned and re-implemented the Log Analysis subsystem of Computer Log Forensic System.

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伊尔库特计划在2016年试航取证,2017年开始交付。The airframer aims to get the twinjet certified in 2016, with deliveries beginning in 2017.

Vilain和他的团队设想的测试成为犯罪现场调查的取证工具。Vilain and his team envision the test becoming a forensic tool in crime-scene investigations.

奥列法官指出,这个案件的取证是检方的一个难关。Judge Orie pointed out that getting evidence in this case was an uphill battle for prosecutors.

针对数字证据特点和网络取证要求,设计实现了一种基于代理的主动型网络取证系统。A proactive network forensics system based on agents was designed and implemented in this paper.

差不多咱们都有强烈的欲望取证比实际需要多得多的钱,从而去过纸醉金迷的生活。Just about all of us have this great desire to make more money than we need to live comfortably.

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网络取证把入侵发生后的被动调查转为事件发生之前的主动防御。Network forensics turns the passive investigation after events to the active defense before events.

所以,不需要花瑞士政府的人力财力再去中国取证。Therefore, there is no need to spend much money and effort to make an investigation in China again.

广东警方经过侦查和取证,一举捣毁了宋鹏飞涉黑团伙。Guangdong police after investigation and evidence collection, one stroke destroyed Abdullah robbery gang.