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在这里什么也不要做,如不美观你需要额外的终止轨范。Do nothing else here. If you need extra terminate steps.

陪同成功的轨范,阿寿扩建了他的衡宇。With the tone of success, Yip Sang added to his building.

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二是消费结构进级轨范加速。Second, the upgrade of consumption structure is accelerating.

我们细心地完美着轨范,我们俩都被这个念头骇得颤栗。We have worked it out carefully and are both thrilled by the idea.

完全调换体系自带的在长按效用表键时调出的轨范的使命列表。Ultimate replacement of standard task list, which called by menu-key long press.

此种饮食要领减掉的低密度脂蛋白是轨范低脂饮食的三倍!That diet cut ptisenticipparasitesi LDL three times more than a standard low-fat diet.

如不美观你有一台计较机,给它安装防毒轨范,使其连结健康是很主要的。If you own a computer, it is important to keep it in good health by installing an anti-virus program.

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项目打点团队操作专家判定,拟定与实施项目行政与合同收尾轨范。Expert judgment is applied in developing and performing both the administrative and contract closure procedures.

基于ARM当钡统编写的许多利用,嵌进式利用轨范的载于ROM战实行复位。Many applications written for ARM-based systems are embedded applications that are contained in ROM and execute on reset.

合同条目与前提也可能对合同收尾做了具体划定,若有划定,则必需成为本轨范的一部门。The contract terms and conditions can also prescribe specifications for contract closure that must be part of this procedure.

为了将关切改变为步履,我们需要找到问题,发现解决体例的体例,评估后不美观。可是世界的复杂性使得所有这些轨范都难于做到。To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.

残炭用于在轨范条件下,测定油品裂解后赢余碳量的轨范化测试本领。Carbon Residue Sta verydardized test which measures the volume carbon left over due after pyrolysis under sta verydard conditions.

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它以很快的轨范投用,而且尝试正在剖析不竭获得的数据,现实干着很棒的工作。It is delivering at a very rapid pace, and the experiments are really doing a terrific job analysing the data that are coming out.

核准的变换请求还可能改削方针、项目经管打算、轨范、费用或预算,或改削进度表。The approved change requests can also modify policies, project management plans, procedures, costs or budgets, or revise schedules.

因为反馈与细化过程不能无绝顶地迟延下去,应按组织确定的轨范查明理当竣事规划过程的机缘。Since the feedback and refinement process cannot continue indefinitely, procedures set by the organization identify when the planning effort ends.

正如我们之前所商谈过的,我们于九月底完成了系统转换。数据转换还牵扯了额外轨范和调节法子。As we previously communicated, we completed a systems conversion in late September. Data conversions involve extra processing and reconciliation steps.

为这轨范彩色幻影到工做,这朱水必定是透明的,所以步柢哪点他们套印睹到狄渍色组成统统抵章启色彩礼品。For the process color illusion to work, the inks must be transparent, so that wherever they overprint the color seen is made up of all the colors present.

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本轨范包含介入执行行政收尾轨范的项目团队成员的所有勾当与有关的脚色与责任。This procedure contains all the activities and the related roles and responsibilities of the project team members involved in executing the administrative closure procedure.

正在此根底上,详细论讲了ERP系统实行绩效评价目的体系的构建和遏制ERP实行效因评价的根柢轨范。On this basis, ERP system implementation are discussed in detail the performance evaluation index system as well as assessing the effects of ERP implementation of the basic steps.

我国也必须顺应时期铺合的要供,经过进程扶植社会任务会计,窜改企业活动,加速经济竖坐的轨范。China must also comply with the request, through the establishment of social responsibility accounting, changes in the behavior of enterprises, accelerate the pace of economic construction.