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她昂著头,高视阔步走出了房间。She stalked out of the room, her head high.

我在高视阔步,在微笑,在爆发能量。I was strutting, I was smiling, I was bursting with energy.

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庆祝,他有整流罩和他的战士的高视阔步画鲜艳蓝色。To celebrate, he had the cowling and struts of his fighter painted bright blue.

高视阔步有一个正面角度当支柱轴指向向上往水表面。The strut has a positive angle when the prop shaft points upwards towards the water surface.

就高视阔步的走出房间,弄得我们又羞愧又狼狈,不知如何是好。She then stalks out of the room. we are left ashamed and wretched and do not know which way to look.

他们共同,男人的打扮,高视阔步,摇动和震动他们的羽毛装束,模仿当地的天堂鸟。Together, the men preen, strut, shimmy , and shake their feathered costumes, mimicking the local birds of paradise.

众多的高视阔步者组成的伏兵可以给那些认为自己安全的敌人带来炎狱般的“报偿”。Ambushes by groups of stalkers have brought fiery doom upon many attack wings that thought themselves safe from retribution.

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单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。Even in outward demeanour, they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior's haughty stride look vulgar, if not absurd.

这些高视阔步增加使结构支持允许变薄上面为更加伟大的共鸣和为声音的更好的发行全面的。These struts were added for structural support to allow thinning of the top for greater resonance and for better distribution of sound across the board.

通常,这种妄自尊大且高视阔步的人并没有比他人感觉优越的理由,但他的确跟平易近人的人大相径庭。Often the person who has a big head and his nose in the air has no reason to feel better than others. He surely is the opposite of someone who is down to earth.

我被那些老女人们逗乐了,白天她们可能在商店边上慢慢走着,但是现在忘掉了疼痛,排成排的跳舞,高视阔步。I'm amused by the elderly women who may have been slowly making their way around the shops earlier in the day but are now forgetting their aches and pains as they strut their stuff in line dancing.