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他们也是人,并非洪水猛兽和瘟神。They are human beings, not a scourge and the god of plague.

那么其中最常见的就是被视为洪水猛兽的性和毒品问题了。There are the familiar risks of unsafe sex and illegal drugs.

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自上而下的歧视如洪水猛兽,一发不可收拾。Top-down discrimination, such as a scourge, was out of control.

汽车尾气,大片的土地被用于停车所造成的问题如洪水猛兽一般。Emissions. The flood implications of land being given to parking.

一个从来不上网的人,常常视网络为洪水猛兽。A person that does not get online, often inspect a network to be great scourges.

不少女生为了保持苗条身段或为了减肥,往往视甜食为洪水猛兽。Many women to keep slim or in order to lose weight, often seen as great scourges.

此种情趣生活在视它为洪水猛兽人的生活中是难以生存的。This kind of appeal lives in inspecting it to be the life of great scourges person live hard.

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水满则患,感情的河流泛滥成灾也如洪水猛兽害人不浅。Shui Man contracts, the sentimental rivers run rampant like the disasters to be also very harmful.

当然,这部电影也给美国人上了一课,德国人并不像洪水猛兽一样。Still, the movie holds a lesson for American audiences raised on movies about the beastly Germans.

文学批评是英语专业高年级学生的一门选修课,历来被视为洪水猛兽。Literary criticism, a course open to all seniors of English majors, has always been considered the most difficult one.

地皮流拍,并非洪水猛兽,因为那是反映市场真实情�,反而导致流拍的原因才值得关注。The withdrawal of the lot would wreak no havoc. It only shows how the market is. It is what caused it that causes concern.

他说,人们将定向广告视为洪水猛兽,这是因为他们不知道这背后有多少个人数据被交易。People feel targeted ads online are 'spooky, ' he says, because people aren't aware of how much personal data is being traded.

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比如,他让有关性器官高潮的弗洛伊德神话永久长存,并将男性性行为视为本质上的洪水猛兽。For example, he perpetuates the Freudian myth about vaginal vs. clitoral orgasms, and he views male sexuality as essentially dangerous.

在过去的许多年中,房价上涨被当成洪水猛兽,但他现在来了个一百八十度大转弯,又把房价下跌当成了大魔头。Having behaved for years as if rising houses prices were a disaster, he now does a U-turn and behaves as if falling ones were the very devil.

有了网上点播、数字电视及卫星电视等多种价廉物美的视频服务,本行业只能在互联网这一洪水猛兽面前瑟瑟发抖。The industry has been threatened by the internet which provides instant online access, digital cable and satellite providers with competitive prices.

祝贤青尤其反对将网络视为洪水猛兽的观点,“互联网就像一个起点站,终点却有无数。Zhu Xianqing objects regarding the network as the point of view of great scourges especially, "Internet stands like a start, terminus has countless however."

但是,那时候,老一辈的革命家们依然大权在握,他们把新思想看做是洪水猛兽,与他们之前的其它人一样,他们用怀疑的眼光看待摇滚乐。But the ageing revolutionaries who were still in power at the time saw some ideas as a threat. Like others before them, they viewed rock music with suspicion.

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我们曾经视网络游戏如洪水猛兽,可如今的网络游戏仍然是各大网络公司的主打产品,方兴未艾。We once inspected network game to be like great scourges , but the network game nowadays remains each large network company advocate make a product, in the ascendant.

虽然有部分人沉迷网游,但那涉及到游戏方式问题,由此就把网游看作洪水猛兽,也是一种误解。Although partial person indulges, the net swims, but that involves game means issue, swim the net from this regard great scourges , also be a kind of misunderstanding.

我们视垄断为“洪水猛兽”,对之发泄着我们高尚的义愤,并企图把它排斥在社会主义经济的视野之外。We are regarding monopoly as a "dreadful monster", giving vent to our noble righteous indignation against that, attempting to keep it out from the visual field of socialist economy.