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但他们需要三思而后行。But they should think twice.

不管怎样,你要三思而后行。Anyways, you have to think twice before you act.

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这故事的寓意是“三思而后行”。The moral of the story is “Look before you leap.”

即便只有一个负面的意见,你也要三思而后行。Think twice even when there is only one negative reference.

“三思而后行”这条谚语是告诫人们不要鲁莽行事。"Look before you leap"is a warning against people acting rashly.

但无论如何,做事前,还是请三思而后行吧!But please think about the consequences before doing and act responsibly!

面对“谣盐”,我们是三思而后行还是随大流,从大众,您说了算。Facing rumors, should we think twice or just go with the stream?It's up to you.

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当你丢弃东西,如薯片桶或者咖啡罐式,请三思而后行。Think twice about discarding goods like old potato chip canisters and coffee tins.

当然,和很多在线论坛一样,决定进入前应三思而后行,这点很重要。Of course, as with any forum online, it's important to be cautious before entering.

你也不会为那些别人觉得需要三思而后行的事情而为难。And you aren't fazed by doing things that most others would think twice about doing.

为了做出更好的决定,也许你除了“三思而后行”之外,还应该“三憋而后尿”。For better decision-making, perhaps you should hold your urine and ponder some more.

在听证会上,法官卡罗尔-罗斯告诉沃尔德鲁普,对于上诉的事,他应该三思而后行。At the hearing, Judge Carroll Ross told Waldroup he should think twice about appealing.

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这是一个“三思而后行”技巧,似乎是显而易见的,然而却忽视了许多。This is a "look before you leap" tip that sounds obvious, yet has been overlooked by many.

所以,三思而后行,抛弃校园爱情,毕业后一个聪明的决定。So, , look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation.

三思而后行。为一时的疏忽与愤努所付出的代价是经以数年的痛苦悔恨。Think before you act. a moment of carelessness or anger can cause years of anguish and regret.

但考虑到它们从一小群富裕支持者那里获得的帮助,投资者应当三思而后行。But the help they're getting from a small group of wealthy backers should give investors pause.

那些认为洗礼等净化仪式让他们更接近上帝的人应该三思而后行。Something to think about for those who feel that purification rituals bring them closer to God.

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如今的自由主义者需要三思而后行,要在这一问题上付出比现在更多的精力。Today's liberals need to give more thought and devote more energy to this problem than they do.

三思而后行。为一时的疏忽和愤怒所付出的代价是经以数年的痛苦悔恨。Think before you act. A moment of care- lessness or anger can cause years of anguish and regret.

甚至其它饥饿难奈的鳄鱼看起来并不会在抓起一两只幼兽当作食物之前三思而后行。Even other hungry crocodiles do not seem to think twice about snapping up a baby or two for a meal.