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因为我有实足的耐心。Cos my patience is strong.

因为我有实足的耐心。Cause my patience is strong.

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也许,我真的是一个实足的混蛋!Maybe I really was a dirty scoundrel!

我尽量维持实足的诙谐感。I try to maintain a robust sense of humor.

这个分为生物学年龄和实足年龄。There's biological age and chronological age.

杰出的团队工作需要有一组劲头实足的成员。Good teamwork requires a group of motivated people.

玻璃裙边,极具现代感,优雅沉稳,个性实足。Glass skirting, what modern feeling, elegant and steady, full of personality.

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那人虽然措辞有礼,但语调生硬,官腔实足。Despitethe politeness of the man's words, his tone sounded gruff and official.

学费和住宿费按实足周计算,不足一周按一周计。Fees are calculated in complete weeks and any part of a week is counted AS a full week.

当冬季厚重感实足的贵妇风结束后,米色、肌色和白色成为复苏的色彩。Beige and nude and off white are refreshing colors after the heaviness of wintry jewel tones.

你的冒险意愿强不强呢?有些人能量实足,将所有精神集中到其热情地点。What is your risk appetite? Some people are energized by putting all their focus on their passion.

他补充说,他相信“一个实足的穆斯林是可以成为美国的爱国主义者的。”He added that he believed “it is possible to be a deeply religious Muslim and a patriotic American.

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埃及水资源专家称,上游国家浪费的水实足可观,那些水都白白地流入了沼泽地。Egyptian water experts said that the upstream countries wasted colossal amounts of water that run off unused into swamps.

詹妮弗-洛佩兹在洛杉矶的古奇店里穿戴皮背心,看起来超等明星范实足。Jennifer Lopez was seen looking every inch the superstar when she popped to the Gucci store in Los Angeles in this covetable fur gilet.

以上11条系统怀想定律批注,我们提出的实足措置希图皆市产死必定的终局,偶然很是宽峻并出乎料念。我们四周当钡统本。These 11 laws of The System Thinking show that all our solutions have consequences, sometimes bad and unexpected. Systems around us are.

余首愿确告诸君,美国人民对于分布全球各地之美国战士实足以自豪。First of all, I want to assure you that the American people have every right to be proud of their fighting men in so many parts of the world.

瑞士和荷兰的排位大幅下滑,而瑞典、比利时、奥地利、挪威和丹麦甚至实足跌出了所展望的前30名之外。Switzerland and the Netherlands slip down the grid significantly, and Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Norway and Denmark drop out of our Top 30 altogether.

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但如事实足资证明中立国确实知道战争状态的存在,则它们不得以未得到通知作为借口。Nevertheless, neutral Powers may not plead absence of notification, if it has been shown beyond question that they were in fact cognisant of the state of war.

“隔间昏厥症”指的是清晨起床后原来觉得生机实足,可是一进办公室就会顿时有一股困意袭来,然后一成天都在昏昏沉沉的形态中渡过。Cubicle coma means when you wake up and feel energized but as soon as you enter the work place, a wave of exhaustion runs over you and you have trouble staying awake for the rest of your work day.