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打从她出娘胎我就认识她了。I've known her ever since she was a baby.

一项最新研究认为,男性的性取向可能在娘胎里就已经决定了。A man's sexual orientation appears to be determined in the womb, a new study suggests.

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婴儿在娘胎里,就能分辨自己妈妈和其他女性的声音了。fetus can distinguish its mother’s voice from that of other females before it is even born.

自出娘胎后,我就一直在练习,但我还是需要一些时间去适应。I had been practising since I arrived from my mother. But it takes a bit of getting used to.

外面,抗日战争正打得如火如荼,但我却像娘胎里的婴儿那样安全。Outside, the Sino-Japanese war was raging, but I was as safe as a baby in his mother' s womb.

我很有自信能把这项课程教好,因为我打娘胎里就在学习它了。I am very self-confident to teach the lesson better because I was born with the learning ability.

我们只有在脱离娘胎,失去它的庇护时,才能开始独立生活。We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protective shelter.

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这些行为自娘胎就开始了,在出生后头一个月尤其明显。These behaviors start developing in the womb and are especially evident in the first month after birth.

你一出生就被新鲜的空气给逮住,所以你一从娘胎里出来就放声大哭。As soon as you were born you were captured by fresh air that you screamed against the minute you came out.

哭与笑同样都可以打开肺泡,为什么人类一出娘胎就嚎啕大哭?While crying and laughing are equally capable of opening the lung, why children are crying as soon as they are born?

小孩子只是出了娘胎,在还未懂得有所要求的时候,就无意中为身边的人创造了非常沉重的工作量。Kids just out of the womb, not in the know, so requests, on the side of inadvertently creating a very heavy workload.

在图坦卡蒙墓穴中发现的一个木乃伊胎儿,她至少已经在娘胎中待了七个月,墓中还有一具更小更脆弱的木乃伊胎儿。A mummified fetus of at least seven months' gestation was found in Tut's tomb along with a tinier, more fragile fetus.

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那你知道吗?婴儿在娘胎里,就能分辨自己妈妈和其他女性的声音了。Ok, but did you know that a fetus can distinguish its mother's voice from that of other females before it is even born.

这两指的相对长度和你在娘胎里受到多少睾丸素这一雄性激素大有关系。The relative size of your fingers is strongly linked to your exposure to the male sex hormone testosterone in the womb.

在所有塑造我们成为现在这个样子的因素中,几乎没什么比我们和我们的兄弟姐妹从娘胎里钻出来的顺序更随意的了。Of all the things that shape who we are, few seem more arbitrary than the sequence in which we and our siblings pop out of the womb.

当我们从娘胎里出世的那一瞬间开始,我们就学会用双手劈开枷锁,用双脚支撑大地。When we where born from the birth of that moment on, we learned how to split the yoke with both hands, using his legs to support the earth.

在娘胎里怀孕七个半月就提早来世的他,本来就先天缺火,这样一来就彻底没火气了。He is congenital lack of heat person since he just came to the world after half and seven months pregnant, at that time he was totally cold.

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依我看来,图坦卡蒙的健康问题早在娘胎中就已经注定了,因为他的生父和生母是同胞兄妹。In my view, however, Tutankhamun's health was compromised from the moment he was conceived. His mother and father were full brother and sister.

托伊达里亚人的新生儿从娘胎里一出来就完全发育好了,模样就像父母亲的缩小版,而且会飞。Toydarian newborns emerged from their mothers' wombs fully developed, resembling miniature versions of their parents, and were able to fly from birth.

姑娘们还是第一次被人称作小天使,觉得非常惬意,尤其是乔,她自打娘胎生下来就被大家当作“桑丘”,因此更加得意。The girls had never been called angel children before, and thought it very agreeable, especially Jo, who had been considered a 'Sancho' ever since she was born.