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战争是残酷无情的。War is cruel.

但唐古拉又是残酷无情的。But Tanggula is brutal callosity.

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他说的那些残酷无情的话对她就像刀割一样。The cruelty of his words cut her like a knife.

我感觉到了这个人的近乎残酷无情的力量。I had felt the almost ruthless power of the man.

喜欢看到别人受苦的人是残酷无情的。Anyone who likes watching people suffer is cruel.

法西斯是人民最残酷无情的敌人。Fascists is the most ruthless enemy of the people.

网络世界可以说是特别的残酷无情。The on-line world can be particularly cruel and harsh.

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问题不在于名人离婚的数量多少,而在于这些离婚背后体现的残酷无情。Not so much the quantity but the brutality of these breakups.

军事战争的后果残酷无情,牺牲难以估量。The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable.

竟有这样一种残酷无情的指控。Such a cruel, heartless charge -- I never had seen Cochin China!

拿破仑这位法国革命领袖残酷无情,然而对妻子约瑟芬却有柔情的一面。The ruthless French leader had a sweet side for his wife Josephine.

其实交战双方皆有许多残酷无情的劣迹。Many instances of cruelty and inhumanity can be found on both sides.

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他残酷无情地抹消证人和证物。He eliminates evidence and witnesses with brutal, emotionless efficiency.

你们愚弄了自己,你们的方式才残酷无情。You have played the hoax on yourself, and it is your ways which are cruel.

你需要很强悍,有些时候甚至要残酷无情。You're going to need to be tough in general, sometimes downright ruthless.

他们都是深通教律,精于谋略,残酷无情而富有的人。They were all masters of torah, proficient in fuses, and brutal and wealthy person.

他为自己建造了许多宫殿,却忽视他的国民,对待他的国民残酷无情。He built palaces for himself while alternately brutalizing and neglecting his citizens.

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土星刑冥王星可以指出自我意识及坚持到了残酷无情的地步。Saturn square Pluto can indicate self-will and persistence to the point of ruthlessness.

啊!人是多么残酷无情!不!更应该说天主是铁面无私的。Oh! how pitiless men are! or rather, for I am wrong, it is God who is just and unbending.

当意识到在残酷无情的后宫中举步维艰时,甄嬛学会了自己的生存之道。Discovering that the palace is a cruel and harsh place, Zhen learns how to survive on her own.