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代理还本付息。代理登记开户。Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts.

信用评价是对企业能否如约还本付息的能力和可信任程度的评估。Credit assessment is the evaluation of the likelihood for enterprise to repay their loans and interests.

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指没有最终期限因而没有还本安排的浮动利率票据。A floating-rate note without final maturity, and therefore without any arrangement for repayment of principal.

相对于上世纪八九十年代,美国家庭目前的还本付息与收入之比已大幅下降。Household debt-service payments relative to income have fallen sharply to levels existing in the 1980s and '90s.

通过发行分期还本债券,公司把本金的偿还期限分开,避免了一次支付全部本金。By issuing serial bonds, the company spreads its principal payments over time and avoids paying the entire principal at one time.

继续执行每千瓦时电量加收2分钱的政策,专项用于农村电网建设与改造升级工程贷款的还本付息。Continue with the additional 2 cents per kilowatt-hour electricity policy and to fund the interest payoff for upgrading projects.

而未能还本付息所带来的后果则作为潜在的威胁,促使组织更有效率。The threat of failure to make debt-service payments serves as a strong motivating force to make such organizations more efficient.

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摊销也可指通过分期还本付息或使用偿债基金减少债务。Amortisation can also refer to the reduction of debt, either through periodic payments of principal and interest, or through use of a sinking fund.

运营初期,公司往往不能达到还本付息要求,需要股东追加投资或补贴还款。So in the initial operational stage, companies could not repay principal and interest, and additional investment and subsidies are required from shareholders.

中央预算中对已经举借的债务还本付息所需的资金,依照前款规定办理。The funds needed for the servicing of debts already raised in the central budget shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

这是因为,债券契约或合同条款的任何改变在“技术”上就是一种违约,尤其当其“涉嫌”延期还本付息时。This is because any change to the bond's indenture or terms and conditions is "technically" a default, especially when it concerns the delayed payment of funds.

因此,抵押贷款机构常常不从长远考虑,也不用担心借款人在金融衰退时是否有还本付息的能力。Therefore, the mortgage lenders often did not take a long-term view and did not worry about the ability of their borrowers to service their mortgages in a financial downturn.

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笔者认为,国债不可不借,但其规模应得到适当的控制,因为还本付息是其重要特征,万不可放任泛滥。In my opinion, public debt is necessary. However we should control its scale. We can't let it be overwhelming because its major characteristic is to pay principle and interest.

在利用外资型经济发展战略中,一国在一定时期所借用的外债是需要还本付息的,使用外国直接投资虽然不存在偿还本金问题,但仍然意味着其资源的净流出。In the course of economic development, foreign capital can be utilized to speed up the national economic growth by overcoming the constraints of investment and foreign exchange.

短期融资券是由非金融企业在银行间债券市场上发行井约定在一定期限内还本付息的有价证券。Short-term corporate debts are securities issued by non-financial enterprises in inter-bank market and agreed to give back principle capital as well as interest within a set period.

但是随着还贷高峰的到来和生员的逐年减少,巨额的还本付息压力使高校面临严峻的财务风险,极易引发金融风险,高校成为新的高风险贷款行业。However, the number of new graduates is decreasing year by year, which means the colleges and universities are making less and less money, while they have to pay more and more loans.

透过本系统买卖之国际债券,以到期还本日前第四个营业日为该债券于本系统买卖之最后交易日。The fourth business day prior to an international bond's date of repayment of principal at maturity is the final day on which transactions in that bond may take place through the IBTS.

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中小企业信用担保风险是指借款企业到期不能或不愿意履行还本付息义务致使信用担保机构有遭受损失的可能性。The meaning of the medium-sized and small enterprises'risk is unable or unwilling to perform debt service obligations which results the possibility of loss in credit guarantee institutions.

我们对所有到期的政府担保债券都已还本付息——只有那些尚未到期的债券除外。We have repaid, with interest, all of the our debt securities issued with the government guaranty as they have matured with the exception of those debt securities whose terms have not matured.

对发展中国家提供的贷款应当是无息或低息的,必要时可以延期还本付息,甚至减免债务负担。Loans to the developing countries should be interest-free or low-interest and allow for delayed repayment of capital and interest, or even reduction and cancellation of debts in case of necessity.