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谁该被统治?Who should govern?

这是家长式统治。They are paternalist.

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他统治着整个罗马帝国。He sways the whole Rome.

谁统治这个国家?Who govern this country?

阿曼尼将会再度统治世界!Da Amani gonna rule again!

阿曼尼会再次统治这片土地的!Da Amani gonna rule again!

他的统治风头正盛。His rule had begun better.

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要是我能统治世界就好了。If only I ruled the world.

陛下……你统治什么呢?Sire-- over what do you rule?

我看到的一切,都要受我的统治!I'd be ruler of all that I see!

反动统治注定要垮台。The reactionary rule is doomed.

当那古老的最高统治着,死神。When that old imperator, Death.

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它统治了广泛深远的帝国。It ruled a wide-reaching empire.

伊萨德的统治很不稳定。Isard's rule was hardly absolute.

大型的由十二宫统治。Large ones are ruled by the 12th.

哪个国家曾被沙皇统治过?Which country was ruled by tsars?

她曾统治过一个版图辽阔的帝国。She once ruled over a vast empire.

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孤独便残酷地统治整个世界。Alonenss enfolds the world cruelly.

查理一世统治英国11年。Charles ruled England for 11 years.

所以他不能真正统治或者领导埃及“。So he cannot actually rule or lead.