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我不喜欢下厨。I hate the Yankees.

很开心为比尔下厨。It's fun to cook for Bill.

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但我更喜欢自己下厨。but I like to cook for myself.

我母亲病了,我只好亲自下厨。My mother was ill . I had to turn cook.

丈夫在周末有时也会下厨。Sometimes husbands also cook at weekends.

阅读后我将亲自下厨做咖喱食物,你喜欢吗?Afterwards, I'll cook us curry. Do you like it?

要是少下厨意味着少吃,那倒是对的。That would be true if less cooking meant less eating.

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此外还有另一个选择,就是你下厨为对方做烛光晚餐。Alternatively, you could try cooking a candlelit dinner.

我是有时间去下厨的。但可是必要的选择。I do get time to cook, but it is not necessarily by choice.

女儿们在十周年纪念日那天为我们下厨。Our daughters are gonna cook for us on our tenth anniversary.

昨天晚上我试著下厨,不过最后所有的菜都烧焦了。Last night, I tried to cook but ended up burning all the food.

我连忙下厨,备了四菜一汤。Then I got about the kitchen preparing four dishes and one soup.

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他还在星期天早晨下厨做煎饼来讨好奥丽维娅和艾碧。He charmed Olivia and Abby by making pancakes on Sunday mornings.

毕竟,挑三拣四比实际下厨做饭总是要容易得多。No, it’s always easier to nitpick than actually to cook the meal.

她够倒霉的,在一周内两次抽签得下厨打扫。She was unlucky enough to draw kitchen cleanup twice in one week.

梁芯首次替一然下厨,却被金华撞破。Beam core cook for a while, for the first time was jinhua to smash.

通常我都在家做饭吃,我非常喜欢为我的家人下厨。I usually cook at home, yes, I like cooking for my family very much.

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我这个无可救药的中国丈夫喜欢吃中餐,更乐于挽袖下厨。Chinese, I enjoy eating Chinese food and in particular cooking Chinese food.

您是否情愿吃冰箱里的即食食品,也懒得亲自下厨煎炒烹炸呢?Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cooking from scratch?

你可以隔夜下厨,然后把菜冷冻起来以便后来要用。You can either cook every other night or cook one and freeze one for future use.