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这就是1504号心理学课程。So this is 1504.

四星期的课程?。Four-week course?

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数学51号课程,Math 51 right now,

这是一门很难学的课程。It's a tough course.

是一门新开的课程。This is a new class.

出席所有的课程。Attend all the classes.

这个课程是为您准备的吗?Is this course for you?

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这是一个折衷的课程。It's an eclectic class.

这又是一个什么课程?What’s the lesson there?

而且课程也很贵。It's also very expensive.

所以本课程是折衷的。So the class is eclectic.

你以前学是什么课程?What did you take before?

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我能否提早插班读这门课程?Can I skip to this course?

这是课程8。01的内容。That was kind of 8.01-ish.

现在结束今天的课程!Here endeth today's lesson!

第九,修读关于“幸福”的课程。Take a course in happiness.

你是怎么知道成功之道课程的?How did you know TWTS class?

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我极力推荐那个课程。I definitely recommend that.

所有课程中的章节都是必修的Sections are also mandatory.

至少也会被录音,课程怎么拍摄呢So how's that going to work?