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这个故事纯属杜撰。The story is fabricated indeed.

卫报杜撰了这个悲惨的故事。The Guardian tells the grim tale.

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我们经常用杜撰故事来讲那些传统事件。Myth is a term we use to refer to a traditional story.

媒体杜撰了快闪党这个词,“拉姆齐补充说。”"The media coined the term flash mobs, " Ramsey added.

这个什么毒蜘蛛的东西也是你凭空杜撰出来的吧?。Is this spider thing a figment of your imagination, too?

博士E·E·史密斯在1934年杜撰了这个短语。E. E. "Doc" Smith seems to have coined this phrase in 1934.

然而,这一次,事实比杜撰更加有力。This time, though, the truth was more powerful than fiction.

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我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个阔气的商人。My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman.

学者们怀疑,阿基米德的故事可能出于杜撰。Scholars suspect the story of Archimedes isn't even entirely true.

佬司常说尚尼亚故事的百分子九十是杜撰的。Lars used to say that ninety percent of Saunière’s story is fiction.

专栏作家们杜撰出一个新词“布罗德里克”意思是“动武”、“打架”。The columnists coined the phrase "to broderick", meaning to rough up.

印度媒体报道的很多数据是中国的基友犹太人杜撰的。Much data in the Indian media is planted by the China lovers the Jews.

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我也自己杜撰名字,当然,最受欢迎的还要数“魁地奇”了。I also make up names, the most popular one being 'quidditch', of course.

另外一些人把神话故事理解为杜撰出来的有寓意的故事。Others define myth as non-historical tales that contain a moral message.

为什么要杜撰关于起源的神话,在这神话中,你的祖先却是奴隶?Why would you invent a myth of origins in which your ancestors are slaves?

网民们甚至杜撰出了一个新的短语—“彭宇案续集。”Netizens have even coined a new phrase for it – “sequel of the Peng Yu case.

奥巴马的雄辞善辩和媒体的杜撰足够使事实变得无足轻重吗?Or is Obama's rhetoric and the media's spin enough to make facts irrelevant?

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你或许会以为五月三十五日是个杜撰的日子,然而之于中国这一天却是真实存在的。You might think May 35th is an imaginary date, but in China it’s a real one.

威尔斯在芝加哥时,从当地电视台上看到了迪斯卡的圣经杜撰。Wells watched Ditka's biblical blunder on local television when he lived in Chicago.

威尔斯在芝加哥时,从当地电视台上看到了迪斯卡的圣经杜撰。Wells watched Ditka’s biblical blunder on local television when he lived in Chicago.