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青杨脊虎天牛雄虫精子分为头部和尾部。The sperm of male Xylotechus rusticus composed of head and tail.

本文叙述了对青杨天牛病毒的研究成果。This article expatiated about the researching on Saperda populnea Virus.

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那青杨树又细又嫩,在一片娑娑声中摇曳。The little poplars were slim and tender, and swayed rustling in the wind.

单宁含量与青杨脊虎天牛虫口密度之间存在比较明显的负相关性。Negative correlation between tannin content and larvae density of X. rusticus was obvious.

青杨是青海省营造山地农田林网的主要树种。Populus cathayana is the main species to plant farmland forest net work in Qinghai province hill.

中国西南地区乡土杨树基因资源丰富,被认为是青杨组的现代自然分布和演化中心之一。There are abundant genetic resources of poplars in southwest China, which is believed as a centre of Sect.

当他们走出那个小庄户院的时候,他们远远地看见一幅蓝格子头巾正在河滩的青杨树林里闪动。Leaving the courtyard, they caught sight of a blue chequered headcloth flashing in the distant grove of poplars.

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采用高温水蒸气处理和加热处理固定大青杨木材压缩变形,并对两种处理结果进行比较。The wood of poplar is compressed, then the compression deformation is fixed by high temperature steam and heating.

本文根据青杨天牛生态习性,提出青杨天牛防治的原则、治理对策。According to the ecology behavior of polar longicorn, this paper puts forward the prevention principle and countermeasures.

年轮生长的功率谱测定检出,大青杨年轮生长存在2.5、3.2、6.3年的周期,年轮生长的周期性主要是受气象因子影响所致。The measurement of power spectra of growth ring demonstrates the variations of period every 2.5, 3.2, 6.3 year under the influence of climatic factor.

在用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶盘状电脉分离过氧化物酶中,发现8年生北京杨与大青杨相比,北京杨多生P_5带。We discovered that Peking poplar trees have P_5 zone more than Daqin-gone at 8 ages when we were seperating peroxidase with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

结果表明,太青杨1号在适宜化学药品用量和磨浆条件下,可制得具有较好性能的APMP浆。The results show that the Taiqing poplar 1 can be made to APMP pulp with good qualities in the suitable dosage of chemicals and the suitable conditions of refining.

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采用阻燃剂DPB改性大青杨木材.测定了处理木材的阻燃性及改性对木材体积稳定性和防腐性能的影响。In this paper. poplar wood was modified with fire retardant DPB. the fire retardant property. dimentional stability and resistance decay of modified wood were determined.

研究制定出青杨虎天牛的防治指标,为科学合理、经济有效地治理该虫提供了理论依据。The research has provided the prevention standards, providing the theory basis for resolving the problem of the pest in scientific, proper, economical and effective ways.

本论文主要研究在硬覆盖胁迫下,城市绿化树小青杨的脂质过氧化和活性氧防御酶的变化。In this article, the change of activated oxygen defensive enzymes and lipid peroxidation of urban greening streets False Simon Poplar undercrust-covered stress were studied.

在三种不同的林分中,青杨天牛卵、幼虫和成虫所拟合的模型不同,但均表现为不同程度的聚集型的空间格局。Among three different kinds of forests, models that eggs, larvae and adults of Saperda Papulnea L. abided by varied, but they all showed spatial patterns of gregarions with variable extents.

采用阻燃剂WFRJ1处理大青杨木材.对其阻燃性、抗流失性和化学稳定性进行了分析测定。In this paper. Populus ussuriensis wood was modified with fire retardant WFRJ1, the fire retardant property. resistance leachability and chemistry stability of modified wood were determined.

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最后,根据上述研究结果,确定了30mm厚小径木落叶松和大青杨锯材的干燥基准,提出了改善小径木锯材干燥质量的有效措施。At last, final drying schedules of small-diameter lumbers of Larch and Cathay poplar were developed according to the result of this research, and suggestions were given to improve drying quality.